
出版时间:2009-4  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:黄瑛 编  页数:185  


近年来,商务旅游发展迅速,已成为世界旅游市场的重要组成部分,而且仍有巨大的发展潜力。《商务旅游英语教程》力求结合国际商务及旅游业的发展以及物流、交通的实际需要,介绍一些与旅游及商务相关的知识,内容涉及政治、经济、文化等多方面内容,为商务旅游人士、旅游从业人员、英语和旅游专业本科生更好地熟悉不同国家的风俗习惯、礼仪礼节起到引导和指南的作用。本书选材时注重材料的新颖性、实用性、相关性及覆盖面。本书的使用对象为普通理工科高校、师范类高校和独立学院开设英语专业的本科生,难度基本适合英语专业二、三年级学生。本书共包括16个单元,每个单元包括以下内容。导读:对本单元涉及的话题进行一个简单的介绍。单元学习目标(Learning Objectives):列出此单元学习的主要目的,让读者在使用教材时更好地把握单元重点。主课文(MainText):是单元的主要课文,内容符合该单元的主题,信息量大,使学生在学习语言的同时,达到增长知识的目的。单词和短语(WordsandExpressions):列出课文中的重点单词,单词注明了音标、词性和在本文中的意思,为学生学习课文提供方便。注释(Notes):对学生在学习过程中可能遇到的困难,包括课文中的主要概念、专有名词、地名、人名,或是理解有困难的句子、句法要点加以注释,给出例子。课后练习(Exercises):通过多种形式的练习来检测与巩固学生对课文及相关知识的理解,另外,也力求提高学生的实际运用语言的能力。练习主要包括以下部分。课文理解问答(Comprehension):这个部分主要检查学生抓住课文主旨的能力,以及对文中一些要点的把握,同时也用以提高学生的拓展性思维能力。


在商务旅游以巨大的发展潜力和发展业绩,成为世界旅游市场重要组成部分的背景下,《商务旅游英语教程》应运而生了。        本教材共16个单元,每个单元有1篇主课文和1篇拓展阅读。主课文包含阅读材料、单词和短语的注释、课后练习。课后练习有词汇测验、阅读理解、翻译和写作等训练内容。拓展阅读包含阅读材料和词汇。    本教材试图做到具有引导性,能为商务旅游人士、旅游从业人员、英语和旅游专业本科生更好地熟悉不同国家的风俗习惯、礼仪礼节起到具体的引导作用。    本教材具有广博性,内容涉及旅行、国际商务、国际会展、国际体育运动等方面;具有适用性,特别适用于普通理工科高校、师范类高校和独立学院开设英语专业的本科生,难度基本适合英语专业二、三年级学生。


Unit 1 Culture(Ⅰ) Main Text The Meaning of Culture Supplementary Reading  Intangible Cultural Heritage on UNESCO ListUnit 2 Culture(Ⅱ)  Main Text Cross-cultural Management and Training    Supplementary Reading The Impact of Culture on Business  Unit 3 Tourism Main Text Global Code of Ethics for Tourism Supplementary Reading EcotourismUnit 4 Travel   Main Text Travel and Tourism Supplementary Reading A Future Role for Travel ManagementUnit 5 Food and Beverage(Ⅰ)  Main Text Food Culture    Supplementary Reading Early Chinese Food History  Unit 6 Food(Ⅱ)  Main Text Food Safety at Temporary Events  Supplementary Reading Contaminated Milk Powder Reveals Safety IssueUnit 7 Hotel related English(I)  Main Text Three Important Departments of a Hotel    Supplementary Reading China’S Budget Hotel Industry Is Booming as Tourism GrowsUnit 8 Hotel-related English(Ⅱ)  Main Text The History of Hotels:From Economic tO Extravagant  Supplementary Reading HostelsUnit 9 Business Management  Main Text Business Management in Canada  Supplementary Reading Uncommon LoyaltyUnit 10 Business Marketing  Main Text The Marketing Management  Supplementary Reading Top Five Ways to Sell Innovation  Unit 11 Negotiation  Main Text Negotiating  Supplementary Reading Cross Cultural NegotiationUnit 12 Logistics  Main Text A Brief Introduction to Logistics  Supplementary Reading A Logistics RevolutionUnit 13 Transportation Main Text The Transportation System in Australia   Supplementary Reading The Subway SystemUnit 14 International Conferences   Main Text A Brief Introduction to APEC Supplementary Reading International Business Meetings。Unit 15  International Exhibition  Main Text Historical Background of Expo  Supplementary Reading China and ExpoUnit 16 Sports Tourism Main Text Sports Tourism Supplementary Reading Major Sport Events and Tourism ImpactsKeys to Exercises参考文献


插图:Analysis also needs to focus on a determination of the particular measurable and manageablecharacteristics of business trips that correlate expe~ed and actual business value.A welkmanagedtravel process includes an increasingly sophisticated system for classifying purposes and othercharacteristics of travel.Not all trips are the same,and the elements that are critical to successfuloutcomes vary.Customizing trip requirements to match trip purposes and expected outcomes helpsresult in high travel value.This approach is in direct contrast to most existing travel programs thattreat all trips pretty much the same. Trip characteristics include a wide range of travel related aspects,not simply limited tOdescribing the physical travel itselL Pertinent characteristics could include the stimulus for theplanned travel and the flexibility of timing or destination,the extent of pre-defined activities at thedestination。timing issues,number of travelers and who they are,whether it iS a new contact or acontinuation of an existing relationship,and the expected follow up.Best practices companies willwork to determine how these trip characteristics and requirements vary by travel circumstances andthen empower line managers to use this knowledge to maximize value.





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用户评论 (总计3条)


  •   内容还不错、、、促销的时候买的、、可以了解很多关于旅游的知识
  •   书的质量很好,和十一五的比起来内容没有多少变化,很好的专业书,比在学校的里买的便宜多了
  •   行业英语的一种,注重实务和实践中总结出的技巧,对于旅游、商务旅游这一行业的特殊英语语言现象,进行了较系统的分析解析,以期帮助读者充实这方面的知识与技能。

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