
出版时间:2010-12  出版社:黄建华、 蒋戴丽 华中科技大学出版社 (2010-12出版)  作者:黄建华,蒋戴丽 编  页数:256  


  《英国国家概况与文化》以英国社会与文化为主要线索,重点介绍英国的地理环境、政体、文化教育、宗教信仰、商务经济、社会福利、习俗与婚姻、传媒、艺术、交通运输、旅游及娱乐等方面内容,所选资料主要出自近年国外出版物、官方网站及一些重要的参考文献。  《英国国家概况与文化》全书共分为十二章,每章包含TextⅠ和TextⅡ两节内容,TextⅠ为主体信息文章,TextⅡ为相关知识性文章。本书内容新颖、知识丰富、图文并茂。编者旨在突破传统教材的编写模式,突出语言与文化知识面,使读者能够对知识性文化和交际性文化在社会和语言中的关系进行多方位和多层次的学习和研究。


Unit One GeographyText 1 Geography of the United Kingdom1.Topography2.Climate3.Human geography4.Natural resources5.EnvironmentReferenceText 2 Ben NevisUnit Two Political StructureText I Political Structure1.The Monarchy of the United Kingdom2.Executive3.Legislatures4.Judiciary5.GovernmentReferenceText II Legislatures1.House of commons2.House of lords3.Scottish parliament4.Welsh assembly5.Northern Ireland assemblyUnit Three EducationText 1 Education in the United Kingdom1.Educational policy2.Educational stagesReferenceText 2 Open University1.Students2.Teaching methods3.Assessment methodsUnit Four ReligionText 1 Religion in the United Kingdom(1)1.Christianity2.Islam3.Judaism4.Other faithsReferenceText 2 Religion in the United Kingdom(2)1.Religion and education2.Religion and modern politics3.Religion and the mediaUnit Five EconomyText 1 Economy in the United Kingdom1.Recent economic growth2.Industries3.Production4.Service industries5.Real estate and lettingsReferenceText 2 Taxation in the United Kingdom1.Income tax2.Capital gains tax3.Value added tax4.Corporation tax5.Business rates6.The tax yearUnit Six Social WelfareText 1 Healthcare in the United Kingdom1.Healthcare2.Healthcare in England3.Healthcare in Scotland4.NHS Wales5.Health and social care in Northern IrelandReferenceText 2 National Health ServiceUnit Seven Customs and MarriageText 1 People, Customs and Society1.The English nationalities2.Customs and life3.Marriage and weddings in BritainReference Text 2 British Culture1.Comfort zone2.English surnames3.The superstitions attached to numbers4.The story of Mother's Day5.EtiquetteUnit Eight Mass MediaText 1 TheMass Media1.The daily newspapers2.The press3.Television4.The broadcasting5.News agencies5.InternetReferenceText 2 Newspaper and English Language1.Today's newspaper2.The power of EnglishUnit Nine Literature and ArtsText 1 British Literature and Arts1.British literature2 Art of the United KingdomReferenceText 2 Drama1.The beginning of drama2.Western forms of drama3.Other Asian cultural formsUnit Ten Sports and EntertainmentText 1 Sports, Ganges and Entertainment1.Sports in Britain2.Cultural entertainment3.Entertainment for children4.Spending a night on the townReferenceText 2 Events and Pastime1.The Welsh Eisteddfodau2.Pubs in Britain3.A popular pastime of the English people4.Town and country life in EnglandUnit Eleven TransportText 1 Survey of Transport in the UK1, A history of transport in the UK2.Present-day transport in the United KingdomReferenceText 2 Highways Agency1.History and operations2.Traffic officers3.Powers4.Vehicle recoveryUnit Twelve Tourism Text 1 Britain Travel Guide1.Britain —— A nation full of contrasts2.Famous destinationsReferenceText 2 How Has Tourism Changed the Way People Live?Appendix 1List of UK Universities1.Ancient universities 2.Red brick universities 3.Plate glass universities 4.New universitiesAppendix 2Keys to ExercisesReferences


版权页:插图:The 1997 Memorandum of Understanding describes the terms under which the Bank,the Treasury and the FSA work toward the common aim of increased financial stability.The Bank of England acts as the Government's banker, and as such it maintains theGovernment's Consolidated Fund account. It also manages the country's foreign exchangeand gold reserves. The Bank also acts as the bankers' bank, especially in its capacity as alender of last resort.The Bank of England has a monopoly on the issue of banknotes in England and Wales.Scottish and Northern Irish banks retain the right to issue their own banknotes, but theymust be backed one to one with deposits in the Bank of England, excepting a few millionpounds representing the value of notes they had in circulation in 1845. The Bank decided tosell its bank note printing operations to De La Rue in December 2002, under the advice ofClose Brothers Corporate Finance Ltd.





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  •   纸质一般,来的时候没有破损,里面基本全是英语。买来上课用的,总的来说,还行。

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