
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:深圳市创场文化传播有限有公司 编  页数:335  




广州金地荔湖城样板房Guangzhou]indi Lihu City Sample House居住主题公园Theme Park for Inhabitants香港南湾御苑7C样板间Nanwan Yuyuan 7C Sample Unit in Hong Kong田园情怀Rural Feeling外滩一号样板房Waitan NO.1 Sample House新锐中式样板间New Chinese Style Sample House续舍样板间BOXBinshe Sample House BOX帝景蓝湾样板间Dijing Lanwan Sample House光桥样板房Guangqiao Sample House南昌水榭花都样板间Shuixie Huadu Sample House in Nanchang宏信置业金沙西园样板间]insha Xiyuan Sample House of Hongxin Real Estate Co宏远小户型样板房Hongyuan Small Household Sample House华城世界样板房小户型Huacheng World Small Household Sample Unit惠州市恒和金谷样板房之复式SOHODuplex Sample House of Henghe]ingu in Huizhou惠州市恒和金谷样板房之复式实用型The Utility-Type Sample House of Henghe Jingu in Huizhou她时代样板间Ta Shidai Sample Unit景观一品样板间Jingguan Yipin Sample Unit武汉沿海赛洛城一帘幽梦样板间Yilianyoumeng Sample House of Coastal Sailuo City in Wuhan香槟样板房Xiangbin Sample House新天美地样板房Xintianmeidi Sample House苏州朗诗国际街区样板间Langshi International Street Sample Unit in Suzhou成都温哥华花园三期样板间Vancouver City Garden Sample Unit Phase 3 in Chengdu雅安国际样板间Yaan International Sample Unit郑州曼哈顿广场样板房Manhattan Square Sample House in Zhengzhou济南锦绣泉城Jinxiuquan City in Jinan夜色温柔Tenderness of the Night成都市上东阳光样板房Shangdong Yangguang Sample House in Chengdu东方雅郡中式样板房Dongfang Yajun Sample House of Chinese Style东埔海景196户型样板房Dongpu Hailing 196 Sample Unit海岸明珠样板房Haian Mingzhu Sample House大连中庚·香海小镇示范单位Xianghai Xiaozhen Sample Unit in Dalian Zhonggeng红树西岸Hongshu Xi’an后享乐主义的样板间Houxiangle Sample Unit南欧景园样板房Nan’ou Jingyuan Sample House沈阳宏发蜜地样板房Hongfamidi Sample House in Shenyang阳光海岸样板房Yangguang Haian Sample House云顶园样板间Yudingyuan Sample Unit郑州曼哈顿广场样板房BManhattan Square Sample House B in Zhengzhou中央公园售楼会所The Sales Center of Central Park香港南湾御苑7B样板间Nanwan Yuyuan 7B Sample Unit in Hong Kong房地产售展中心Real Estate Sales Center长虹凌云接待中心The Reception Center of Changhong Lingyun富邦777接待中心The Reception Center of Fubang 777和地蓝湾售楼处The Sales center of Hedilanwan元大一品苑接待中心The Reception Center of Yuanda Yipin Courtyard重庆协信丹枫白露售楼处Xiexin Danfeng Bailu Sales center of Chongqing成都销售处Sales Center in Chengdu佛山九鼎地产国际城销售中心The Sales Cemer of Jiuding International City in Foshan福晟·钱隆御景售楼中心Sales Center of Fusheng Qianlong Yujing光大.天骄峰景售·空中售楼处The Hanging Sales Center of Tianjiao Fengjing Guangda可逸豪园售楼部The Sales Department of Keyi Haoyuan珠江御景湾G7样板间Yujingwan G7 Sample House in Zhuliang成都蓝光IBP总部公园售楼处The Sales Cemer of IBP Headquarter in Chengdu Languang








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