
出版时间:2008-8  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:李志君  页数:242  


  《实用英语写作教程》是旨在帮助非英语专业研究生掌握日常的工作、学习、未来的求职及留学深造中常用的一些应用文体的写作知识和技能而撰写的教材。全书分为“书信写作基础”、“各种商业书信”、“求职信函”、“留学申请文件”、“科研论文”、“电子邮件和其他”等六章,对每种应用文体的介绍包括文体结构和写作技巧、实用表达、实例和词汇与术语,每章的结尾还配有情景写作任务。   本书也可作为高年级本科生的教材及参考书,还可供大学英语教师、外企或合资企业工作人员、有意出国留学者和需要撰写英语科研论文者使用,具有较高的实用价值和参考意义。


Chapter 1  Basics of Letter Writing  1.1  Ingredients of a Letter  1.2  Layout of a Letter and Addressing an Envelope  1.3  Personal Letter  1.4  Business Letter  Tasks for PracticeChapter 2  Various Business Letters  2.1  Invitation Letter  2.2  Reply to Invitation Letter  2.3  Inquiry Letter  2.4  Reply to Inquiry Letter  2.5  Recommendation Letter  2.6  Introduction Letter  2.7  Letter of Apology  2.8  Complaint Letter  2.9  Adjustment Letter  2.10  Congratulation Letter  Tasks for PracticeChapter 3 Job-seeking Correspondence  3.1  Cover Letter  3.2  Resume  3.3  Professional Portfolio  3.4  Interview Appreciation Letter  3.5  Reply to Job Offer  3.6  Resignation Letter  Tasks for PracticeChapter 4 Application Documents for Admission to Higher Learning Institutions  4.1  Application Letter  4.2  Personal Statement  4.3  Reply to Admission Offer  4.4  Other Documents  Tasks for PracticeChapter 5  Research Paper  5.1  Steps to a Research Paper  5.2  Overview of a Research Paper  5.3  Title and Author's Name    5.4  Abstract  5.5  Introduction  5.6  Method  5.7  Results    5.8  Discussion and Conclusion  5.9  References  5.10  Acknowledgment and Appendix  5.11  Style of Research Paper  Tasks for PracticeChapter 6  Emails, Business Cards and Others  6.1  Email    6.2  Business Card  6.3  Invitation Card  6.4  Note  6.5  Notice  6.6  Public Sign  Tasks for PracticeKey for ReferenceAppendix Ⅰ  Useful Expressions for Resume WritingAppendix Ⅱ  Sample Job Application FormAppendix Ⅲ  Sample Application Form of a Foreign University Appendix Ⅳ  Sample Research PaperAppendix Ⅴ  Common Public Signs in EnglishReferences




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  •   很好的写作教程
  •   这本书很实用 尤其是对我们这些即将步入社会的人。
  •   很好~是正版的~~纸张也很不错~
  •   研究生阶段必修英语 老师推荐的这本书 说是华科老师自己写的
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