
出版时间:2008-7  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:苏雪,叶清贫 主编  页数:196  


  随着我国经济体制改革的深入、经济全球化的发展以及我国日益融入WTO体系,物流业作为现代服务经济的重要支柱和组成部分,被誉为“21世纪最具发展潜力”的行业之一,并成为我国国民经济的重要产业和新的经济增长点。  近年来,由于各级政府和企业的重视,物流环境发生了巨大的变化。但我国的物流教育同物流发展相比,显然十分滞后。为了加快我国现代物流管理与技术人才的培养,造就一线物流技术操作和运作管理的实用型人才,我们组织编写了此教材。  根据普通高等学校、高等职业技术学院物流教学的特点,这套教材在注重系统性、科学性的基础上重点突出了实用性和操作性,重点讲述物流专业的基本概念和基本操作方法。按照由浅入深的教学原则,把教材的各部分内容分割成若干个模块,采取循序渐进的教学方法,力求通俗而不肤浅,深入而不玄奥。各部分都采用理论与实践相结合的方法,在课文中注重对每二个基础知识点的理论掌握,课后的阅读材料尽量采用举实例的方法讲述操作技术;对重点概念、重要的操作技能,力争讲深讲透。全书由1l部分组成,每部分包括3篇课文和l篇阅读材料,主要是现代物流理论及管理各环节的基本概念与业务知识。本书内容全面、翔实,建议单篇课文用时2—4学时,教师可结合教学实际,对部分课堂教学内容自主选择使用。另外,书末的附录中含英语常用语法知识、物流缩略语、世界著名物流企业、单词表和模拟题等内容。


本书介绍了物流专业的基础知识,包括运输管理、仓储管理、库存管理、包装管理、配送管理、国际物流、供应链管理、物流单证、物流供需调查、EDI通信和电子商务等专业领域的内容。  本书紧密结合专业知识,力求做到结构严谨、内容新颖、知识面广;不仅考虑物流基本体系及常用操作,而且紧跟物流技术日新月异的变化,尽可能兼顾教材的实用性、广泛性和前瞻性。为了方便教学,本书配有电子备课包和免费教师用书,内容包括课后习题参考答案、课文及阅读材料参考译文,可供教师作为教学参考使用。  本书既可作为普通高等学校、高等职业技术学院物流管理和工商管理等专业的教材和参考用书,也可作为各类工商企业生产经营管理人员的参考用书。


Part 1 Basic Knowledge about Logistics Text One What is Logistics? Text Two Value-Added Functions of Logistics Text Three Development of Logistics Industry Reading Material Reverse LogisticsPart 2 Transportation Management Text One Transportation Overview Text Two Transportation Modes Text Three General Knowledge of Container Transport Reading Material Container Transport FlowPart 3 Warehouse Management Text One Warehouse and Warehouse Management Text Two Warehousing Alternatives Text Three Introduction to Warehouse Operations Reading Material The Functions of Cross-dockingPart 4 Inventory Management Text One What is Inventory Management? Text Two Vendor Managed Inventory Text Three Inventory Carrying Costs Reading Material Moving Toward Zero InventoryPart 5 Packing Management Text One Introduction to Packaging Text Two Packaging Material Text Three Packaging Design Reading Material Types of Packing BoxesPart 6 Distribution Management Text One Introduction to Physical Distribution Text Two  Distribution Center Text Three  An Integrated System of DC Reading Material  Forklift TrucksPart 7  International Logistics System Text One  International Logistics Text Two  Multimodal Transport Text Three  The Standard Operation for International Freight Reading Material  Considerations Needed When Shipping for ExporterPart 8  Supply Chain Management Text One  Introduction to Supply Chain Text Two  Supply Chain Management Text Three  Supply Chain Competitiveness Reading Material  Supply Chain Core ProcessesPart 9  Logistics Documents Text One  Documentation in Logistics Ⅰ Text Two  Documentation in Logistics Ⅱ Text Three  Documentation in Logistics Ⅲ Reading Material  International Trade ContractPart 10  Logistics Supply and Demand Survey Text One  Information Collection on Logistics Supply and Demand Survey Text Two  The Questionnaire Design of Logistics Supply and Demand Text Three  Sample of Logistics Service Questionnaire (Distributor) Reading Material  Logistics QualityPart 11  Logistics Information Technology Text One  Electronic Business Text Two  EDI Exchanges and E-commerce Text Three  Logistics of E-commerce Era Reading Material  Logistics Communications附录A  专业英语中的常用语法知识附录B  物流缩略语附录C  世界著名物流企业附录D  单词表附录E  模拟试题参考文献


  Ⅲ Answer the following questions according to the text.1. Please write out the basic locator systems for storage and picking systems.2. What do you know about the fixed-location system?3. What is the Receiving Operations?4. Please write out the basic methodologies for setting up a storage system. 5. Please write out the ways to assemble customer orders before deciding how to setting up picking system.Reading MaterialThe Functions of Cross-docking  Todays "lean" warehousing managers are trimming the fat by eliminating unnecessarytasks and by improving value-added activities. One strategy they frequently adopt is crossdocking, the practice of expediting the flow of product from receiving to shipping with aminimum of handling in between.  Although cross docking has become something of a buzzword lately, its a strategy thathas been around for decades. Why rehash an old practice? Because cross docking helpsshippers address specific business needs that are more important today than ever.  First, cross docking accelerates speed to market by muting items to their enddestinations as soon as they are received.Cross docking also improves the bottom line.Because product is not sent intoinventory, companies that cross dock reduce their storage requirements and consequentlyeliminate storage-related labor and inventory costs.Finally, cross docking allows companies to meet customers specific needs when time isof the essence. Some examples of such needs include product promotions and other timedmarketing strategies, support of just-in-time practices, and consolidation of multiple suppliernetworks.Despite these proven benefits, not many companies are cross docking today. Those thatdo often find themselves cross docking only a small percentage of their shipping volume. Onereason, perhaps, is that the concept of not storing product in anticipation of demand is oftendifficult for managers to grasp.What, When, and How to Do It? Many times cross docking cuts across interactingfunctions, including those that happen outside the four walls of the warehouse. It can take awide variety of forms, from simple pallet movement to complex carton handling involvingconveyor sortation systems.



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