
出版时间:2007-3  出版社:华中科技大  作者:刘毅  页数:225  字数:310000  




Part Ⅰ Basic Writing Chapter One Misunderstandings of English Writing and Solutions  1.1 Misunderstandings of English Writing  1.2 Solutions Chapter Two Criteria and Qualities of Good Writing  2.1 Criteria of Good Writing  2.2 Qualities of Good Writing Chapter Three Three Writing as a Process  3.1 The product vs. process approach  3.2 Eight steps in the as a Process Chapter Four Word Writing  4.1 Meaning of words  4.2 Levels of being general or specific  4.3 Sexist language  4.4 Idiomatic language Chapter Five Sentence Writing  5.1 Common problems in sentence writing  5.2 Types of sentences  5.3 Writing effective sentences Chapter Six Paragraph Writing  6.1 Structure of paragraphs  6.2 Methods to write topic sentences  6.3 Length of paragraphs Chapter Seven Essay Writing  7.1 Finding a suitable topic  7.2 Style of writing  7.3 Methods to write Chapter Eight Writing Strategies for Exposition Chapter Nine Writing Strategies for Argumentation Chapter The Mechanics of Writing, Editing , and ProofreadingPart Ⅱ Practical Writing Chapter Eleven Resume and Reference Writing Chapter Twelve Twelve Application Letter Writing Chapter Tgurteeb Personal Letter Writing Chapter Fourtenn Business Letter Writing Chapter Fiyrten Fifteen Note ,Notice, and Poster Writing Chapter Suxteen Sixteen Contract WritingReferences




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