
出版时间:2006-9  出版社:华中科技大学出版社  作者:王若维 编  页数:216  




Unit One Text A Italy's Golden Moment Text B Hail to the Kings 报刊英语常识 阅读英文报刊文章的技巧Unit Two Text A Jesus-Judas Manuscript Is Genuine,but is Its Story True? Text B Taking Stock 报刊英语常识 英美报刊的起源、外形特征和版面安排Unit Three Text A Why the Tax System Keeps Getting More Complex Text B Data to Determine WalI Street's Next Move 报刊英语常识 英文报纸标题语法Unit Four Text A Health Care:It's All About the Benjamins Text B New Secrets for YouthfuI Skin 报刊英语常识 英美报纸的传统分类Unit Five Text A Any Time,Any Place,Anywhere Text B Putting Tolerance to the Test 报刊英语常识 新闻及新闻要素Unit Six Text A Blair-Bush Deal Before Iraq War Revealed in Secret Memo Text B People Trapped Inside Suffocated and Died 报刊英语常识 新闻来源和世界五大通讯社Unit Seven Text A Can Madonna Beat Guy at His Own Game? Text B Shanghai Surprise 报刊英语常识 报纸的头版Unit Eight Text A At Last,Holiday Insurance That Dares to Take on the Risk of Terrorism Text B He Likes Bookshops but Prefers to Talk AIbums 报刊英语常识 报刊英语中常见的特殊用词(一)Unit Nine Text A Pesticides Kill Text B The Third Wave—at a Computer Near You 报刊英语常识 报刊英语中常见的特殊用词(二)Unit Ten  Text A“We Want to Teach People to Dream Again” Text B Silence in C:lass 报刊英语常识 新闻的导语Unit Eleven Text A How Cl imate Change Could Ruin Economy Text B Hot Times All Around 报刊英语常识 报刊英语的句法特点Unit Twelve Text A The New Megalopol is Text B How Population Lies 报刊英语常识 约瑟夫·普利策与普利策奖Unit Thirteen Text A Art:Weaving Art and Winemaking as One Text B International Artists Make TaP Their OwnUnit Fourteen Text A Is Party Over for Onl ine Gambl ing? Text B Why Does Private Data Wind Up on Laptops?Unit Fiffeen  Text A Surprising Jump in Tax Revenues Is Curbing Deficit Text B In Putin We Trust?Unit Sixteen Text A What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage Text B Forget the Second Helpings.It's the First Ones That Count参考书目


  1 It was supposed to be an evening cruise to celebrate the completion of one of the Gulf kingdoms most prestigious building projects, the twin towers of the Bahrain World Trade Centre.  2 But even before the ship, an old Arab dhow, left the dock near the Marina Club at Manama there were signs that something was wrong. Jai Kumar George, an Indian engineering consultant who had worked on the towers for 18 months, felt uneasy as he gathered with his friends on the pier, ready to board at 8 p.m. on Thursday. "The boat was oscillating from one side to another. Glasses and bottles were falling down on to the pier even before we left," he told the Guardian.  3 Others were worried that the ship was overcrowded. Raymond Austin, 50, a Briton who works for a concrete company in Bahrain, decided not to board. Isaal-Qobaisi, who owned the vessel, told the Gulf Daily News there were too many people on board and the captain had initially refused to leave the dock. Bahrains interior ministry said as many as 14 people disembarked before the ship sailed. There were 126 guests left on the cruise.  4 Less than two hours later, as the ship took a sharp left turn less than a mile off the coast, it capsized, flipping over in seconds. Up to 57 passengers were killed almost immediately, including 12 Britons. Rescuers pulled 67 survivors from the sea. Two passengers were still missing.




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