
出版时间:2012-10  出版社:同济大学出版社  作者:周仪  页数:202  




作者简介PrefacePart One Stories in Chinese History中国历史故事1.Shennong Tasted Hundreds of Wild Plants神农尝百草2.How Yao and Shun Passed the Throne to the Worthy and the Capable尧、舜禅让3.How Yu。the Great,Conquered the Flood大禹治水4.Yi Shoots the Nine Su 羿射九日5.Ehuang and Nfiying Sank Themselves in Xiang River娥皇、女英殉节湘水6.King Qi of Xia Subdued the Rebellion of Youhu夏启平息有扈氏叛乱7.Zhonggu Pe uaded King Jie of Xia终古苦谏夏桀8.Shang Tang Overthrew King Jie of Xia商汤灭夏9.Yi Yin Exiled King Tai Jia and Then Welcomed Him Back伊尹放逐太甲又迎归10.How King Wu Ding Promoted the Worthy and the Capable武丁慧眼擢英才11.Bi Gan Appealed to King Zhou at the Risk of Death比干劝纣改恶12.How King Wen and King Wu of Zhou Overthrew the ShangDynasty周文王、周武王灭商13.Zhou Gong Formulated the System of Rites and Co titutio 周公制礼作乐14.Fei Zi。the Good Breeder 。    非子善养马15.Dong Zhongshu———Absorbed in Reading for Three Yea  without Looking into the Garden。。    董仲舒三年不窥园16.King You of Zhou Played with the Signal Flames周幽王烽火戏诸侯17.King Huan of Chi Employed Guan Zhong to Be the Prime—minister齐桓公用管仲为相18.Chong Er Suffered a Lot of Hardships晋文公重耳历尽颠沛19.King Mu of Qin Employed the Worthy and the Capable秦穆公尚贤用能20.How Sun wu Zi Wrote The Art of War孙武子写《孙子兵法》21.Xi Men Bao.Good Governor of Ye西门豹治邺有方22.Shang Yang Reform商鞅变法……Part Tow Chinese Myths 中国神话故事Part Three Chinese Fable Stories 中国寓言故事Part Four Chinese Idioms and Their Stories 中国成语故事参考书目




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