
出版时间:1999-03  出版社:同济大学出版社  作者:程为庄,顾国芳 编  页数:180  




常用的数词、有机化合物、无机化合物和高聚物的命名一览表1 化学名词中常和数词词头2 烷烃、烯烃、炔烃和芳烃3 醇、酚、醛和醚4 炭酸、酯、胺、酰胺和砜5 常用的有机基6 聚合物7 常用的元素8 氧化物、氢氧化物和过氧化物等9 无机酸、碱和盐10 常用溶剂Chapter 1 Introduction1 Polymers as Materials2 Basic Definitions & Nomenclature3 Molecular Architecture & Classification of Polymers4 Molar Mass & Degree of PolymerizationChapter 2 Synthesisl Step-growth Polymerization2 Free Radical Addition Polymerization3 lonic Polymerization4 CopolymerizationChapter 3 Polymer Structure & Physical Properties1 Introduction2 Properties Involving Large Deformations3 Properties Involving Small DeformationgChapter 4 Processing 加工l Introduction2 Molding3 Extrusion4 Blow Molding5 Rotational, Fluidized-Bed & Slush Molding6 Calendering7 Sheet Forming8 Stamping9 Solution Casting10 Castingll Reinforced Thermoset Molding12 Fiber Spinning13 CompoundingChapter 5 Individualizing 个论1 Plastics2 Rubbers3 Synthetic Fibers4 Surface Finishes5 AdhesivesChapter 6 Blends &. Compositesl Overview2. Plasticized Polymer3 Blends & IPNs4 CompositesChapter 7 Thermoplast & Thennosetsl Introduction2 ProcessingChapter 8 Additfves & Compounding1 Introduction2 Compounding3 FillereChapter 9 Analysis & Testing of Polymers1 Chemical Analysis of Polymers2 Microscopy3 Thermal Analysis4 Physical TestingChapter lO Rheology参考文献总词汇表



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