出版时间:1992-12 出版社:同济大学出版社
本书根据1990年10月重庆召开的全国高校研究生院院长会议的精神编写, 本书重视语言基础教
Lesson l
Text: Faster Effective Reading
Grammar: Concord l (Subject-verb Concord)
Reading Practice
Here Comes the Army
Lesson 2
Text: Obstacles to Faster Effective Reading,
Grammar: Concord l (Pronoun Concord)
Reading Practice
Ghost Ship Ahead
Lesson 3
Text: Hints for Reading Practice (part l)
Grammar: Tense
Reading Practice
Tales of Whales
Lesson 4
Text: Hints for Reading Practice (part 2)
Grammar: Aspect
Reading Practice
Hugo The Great
Lesson 5
Text: Early Days of the Mail
Grammar: Clauses of Condition l
Reading Practice
Postmen With Feathers
Lesson 6
Text: The Vanished City
Grammar: Clauses of Condition l
Reading Practice
The Fall of Troy
Lesson 7
Text: Death: A Part of Life
Grammar: Subjunctive
Reading Practice
The Siamese Double Boys
Lesson 8
Text: The Lady, or The Tiger?
Grammar: Modal Auxiliaries
Reading Practice
King of The Beasts
Lesson 9
Text: Dusk
Grammar: Verbals l
Reading Practice
Your Breakfast Is Served Madam
Lesson lO
Text: The Sixth Sense
Grammar: Verbals l
Reading Practice
Amazing Peter Hurkos
Lesson ll
Text: Left-handedness: A Sinister Stcry
Grammar: Verbals B
Reading Practice
Clumsy World for Left-y
Lesson 12
Text: Your Dreams Don't Lie
Grammar: Inversion
Reading Practice
The Secrets of Sleep