
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:山东大学出版社  作者:刘永波,孙祖兴 主编  页数:840  字数:1230000  




The Application of Constructivism in Oral English Teaching to
Non-English Majors
On Inverse Translation and the Teaching of C-E Translation as
Inverse Translation to Chinese Advanced EFL Learners
A Study of How Reading Ability Influences Writing Ability in Ll and
L2 Writing
Business English Teaching and Learning
Applying Autonomous Learning Theory in Teaching College English
On the Techniques of English Fast-Reading
English Language Listening: Process, Skills and Strategies
Nine Relationships in College English Teaching:A Developing
Developing Confidence and Speaking Skill
-How to Motivate Chinese Students to Speak English in Class
Manifestations and Internal Causes of Chinese-English Interlanguage
Fossilization in Non-English-Major Freshmen
Integrated Development of Language Skills in College English
The Influences of Individual Differences on Second Language
A Practical Intercultural Communication Study: "Chinese Culture
All-Dimensional Introduction &Adaptation" for Shandong Foreign
Language Experts
A Survey and Analysis of College English Teachers' Comment on
English Majors' Written Work: An Interpersonal Perspective
Applying Text Type Theory to Translation Teaching: An Empirical
Language Ambiguity and Its Pedagogical Enlightenment on Foreign
Language Teaching A Study of Metacognitive Strategy Training for
Less Successful Non-English Majors in Universities
The Relevance-.theoretic Approach to Context and Its Implications
for Teaching Foreign Language Reading
Teaching Reform on Comprehensive English: In Light of John Dewey's
Construction of New Teacher-Student Relationship Based on
Questioning Strategies
The Application of Cognitive Context to Text Comprehension and Its
Implications for College English Reading Teaching
Productive Pedagogy-A Method for Reference in China's English
Teaching Application of Discourse Analysis to Teaching College
English for Non-English Majors
An Experimental Study of Training College Students to Use Cohesive
Devices in Writing
Application of Textual Cohesion Theory to Teaching Cloze Test in
The Reliability& Validity of Peer Assessment in Oral English
Class in First-Year College Students
Advance the Reforms in Video and Speaking Course and Improve the
Teaching Quality
The Influence of Sino-Foreign Education Program on English Teaching
in Vocational Colleges


  Rixon(1986)provides a commonsense way of dividing up a listening lesson into three phases: things to do before the students hear the passage, activities and exercises to be carried out as the students listen to the passage and things to do once the class has come to grips with the meaning and content of the passage. Mary Underwood(1989)recognizes three stages of teaching: pre-listening, where the students activate the in vocabulary-and their background knowledge; while-listening, where students develop the skills of eliciting messages; and post-listening, which consists of extensions and developments of the listening task.  When English language teachers prepare or conduct the activities or tasks indifferent stages, they should keep in mind the following points.(1)Make good use of pre-listening activities to make students ready to gain the most from the passage. Hedge(2000)states that the purpose of pre-listening activities is to contextualize the passage, provide relevant information about the passage and create motivation and confidence. Ur(1984)also suggests that it would be a good idea when presenting a listening passage in class to give the students some information about the content, situation and speaker(s)before they actually start listening. Some possible activities include: pre-teaching some information or knowledge related to the listen ingmaterial, discussing pictures, predicting, group discussion, etc.  (2)At the while-listening stage there should be something interesting to listen to and a purpose for listening(Underwood, 1989). The main purpose of while-listening activities is to challenge and guide students to handle the listening comprehension process successfully. Hedge(2000)points out that the work at the while-listening stage needs to link in relevant ways to the pre-listening work and teachers should encourageee students to attend to the text more intensively or more extensively, for specificinformation or for gist.  (3)Teachers should attach much importance to post-listening activities with more choices of activity types. Activities at this stage can be much longer because students have time to think, to discuss, to write and activities should have some purpose of it sown and is motivating(Underwood, 1989). Post-listening activity can take students into a more intensive phase of study(Hedge, 2000).  (4)Make good balance of the three-stage activities. Chinese teachers tend to payless, or even no, attention to pre-listening and post-listening activities, which also play an important role in improving students' listening ability. But Teachers should lavoidpre-teaching the language of the listening passage, or telling students too much about the topic or the information contained in it, as this removes the challenge and interest.Field(1998)also claims that listening lessons are often top-heavy with an extended pre-listening period. A revised lesson model might feature a shorter pre-listening period,which focuses on creating motivation and establishing context. There would be an extended post-listening session(possibly in a subsequent lesson)in which gaps in learners' listening skills could be examined and redressed through short micro-listeningexercises.(5)Put skills training and strategies instruction into three-stage activities.Activities in different stages need to be as relevant as possible to the students and should mirror real life. Activities need to be task-based, which are creative-designed, well-structured, with opportunities for students to activate their own knowledge and experience and to monitor what they are doing. Skills training and strategies instruction can be incorporated into these activities and tasks.  (6)There are many examples of tasks and activities specifically designed for pre-,while- and post listening stages in the book of Underwood(1989)"Teaching Listening", which can be consulted by teachers.  ……



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