出版时间:2004-1 出版社:山东大学出版社 作者:彭志忠主编 页数:218
This book will provide managers and executives from all functional areas with the necessary background to make informed decisions as their firm enters the era of electron-ic business.Managers from established firms with legacy systems will learn how to transform their firms to benefit from technology investments in the supply chain area.they will learn to identify the organizational and process changes that are necessary to successfully implement these technologies.Executives can find the appropriate technolo-gy and architcture choices that will allow their firms to shift focus to customer needs,and at the same time reduce the constraints imposed by historical investments in physical plant,organization,process,and technology.Executives of "young"firms will learn how to organize for maximum scalability in order to support unexpected increases in de-mand.Many startups with promising product launches fail to make the transition to long-term viability.
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION TO LOGISTICS 1.Difinitions and Functions 2.The Ways of Logistics Work 3.Discussion READING MATERIAL Logistics Deveoopment in the 21st CenturyCHAPER TWO PROCUREMENT 1.Definition 2.Application of Procurement Systems 3.Procurement Planning and Specifications 4.Contracting READING MATERIAL Procurement Planning and StrategyCHAPTER THREE MARKETING 1.Definition 2.Questions of Marketing 3.PEST 4.Marketing Techniques 5.Market Research READING MATERIAL Commercial Policy and Public RelationsCHAPTER FOUR LOGISTICS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 1.Definition 2.Information Application 3.Use of EDI in the Supply Chain 4.Logistics Networking READING MATERIAL LInternet and Chinese Logistics DevelopmentCHAPTER FIVE TRANSPORTATION 1.Definition 2.Types of Traffic 3.Transportation Characteristics 4.Modal Characteristics 5.Terminals,Interchanges and Services 6.Intermodal and Combined Transportation Operations 7.Transportation Planning Process READING MATERIAL Traffic ManagementCHAPTER SIX WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT 1.Purpose of Warehouse 2.Warehouse Management 3.Warehouse Costs 4.Warehouse and Store Processes READING MATERIAL HousekeepingCHAPTER SEVEN STOCK CONTROL……CHAPTER EIGHT LOGISTIC DECISION-MAKINGCHAPTER NINE LOGISTICS/SUPPLY-CHAIN MANAGEMENTCHAPTER TEN MARKET ECONOMY SOLUTIONSCHAPTER ELEVEN NETWORK ECONOMY SOLUTIONS OF SCMCHAPTER TWELVE SELECTING SUPPLY CHAIN SOLUTIONCHAPTER THIRTEEN INTERNATIONAL TRADECHAPTER FOURTEEN LOGISTICS BEST PRACTICESCHAPTER FIFTEEN ANALYTICAL REPORT ON CHINESE LOGISTICS MARKET OF 2000APPENDIX OUTLINE OF LOGISTICS ENGLISH QUALFYING EXAMINATIONREFERENCE