
出版时间:2004-7  出版社:山东山大图书有限公司  作者:温洪瑞 编  页数:467  字数:388000  


  《英美概况》即将付梓,应邀为其作序,我欣然从命,缘起如下:  一、该书成稿已久,作为使用教材,历经十余春秋。作者孜孜不倦,默默耕耘,精益求精,几番更新,倾注无尽心血,使其终于问世,当是幸事,为此致贺。  二、两位作者先后赴沪参加美籍专家执教的中美文化研讨班,史料例证有根基;一道参与翻译《英汉对照实用中医文库》,语言文字有功底;同为硕士生导师,联袂开设“英美文化专题”学位课,学术理论有水平;联名申请出版基金,携手推出《英美概况》英文教材,合作共事创新绩,可谓佳话,借此介绍。  三、编写原则针对性强。具有自己的特色。选材难易得当,注重实用;内容充实、新颖、适合教学;语言通顺、地道,便于自学。《英美概况》实属应社会之需,补教学之缺,并带有创新性的一部好的教材,质量应属上乘,特此推荐。


本教材密切联系时代与本专业其他课程教学的实际需求精选材料,力求做到繁简得当,学以致用。充分考虑到了本课程知识性强的特点,教材的编排力求内容丰富、新颖,编排合理,便于教学,易于记忆。    用英语编写,力求语言通顺、地道,便于学生在学习知识的同时提高英语的理解与应用水平。    本教材共20课,每一课都附有知识性练习、讨论与思考题,每一课开头部分有内容提要,便于学生自学、理解和记忆。书后附有英美历史大事记、英王朝历代国王名表及任期、美国50州、美国历任总统名表及任期等,以便查阅。


Part One An Introduction to Great Britain  Lesson 1 Geography:the Land  Lesson 2 Geography:the People  Lesson 3 British Economy  Lesson 4 Political System:Parliament and Covernment  Lesson 5 Politial System:Party Politics and Judiciary  Lesson 6 History;Early Man  and  the Feudal Society  Lesson 7 History:Decline of Feudalism and the Bourgeois Revolution  Lesson 8 History:the Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement  Lesson 9 History:the British Empire and Britain in Two World Wars and Post-War Periods  Lesson 10 Education in Britain  Key to ExercisesPart Two An Introduction to the United to the United States  Lesson 11 Geography:the Land  Lesson 12 Geography:the People  Lesson 13 American Economy  Lesson 14 Political System:Government  Lesson 15 Political System:State Govenment and Party Politics  Lesson 16 History:the Early Colonization  Lesson 17 History:American Revolution  Lesson 18 History:American Givil War  Lesson 19 History:U.S.Imperialism  Lesson 20 American Education  Key to ExercisesAPPENDIX I  ……


  ~2.Britain in World War T and Post—War Period  By the beginning of the 20th century,the world had entered the period of imperialism.Owing to the law of the uneven growth of capitalism,Germany and the U.S.became strong imperialist powers in the late 19th century and they,together with Japan,Italy,France and Russia competed with Britain for world domination.When the imperialist powers attempted to re-divide the world,an imperialist war was inevitable.  On the eve of World War I,two imperialist blocs had formed.Germany, Austria—Hungary and Italy formed the Triple Alliance and Britain,France and Russia were held together by a firm alliance known as the Triple Entente.  On June 28th 1914 the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were shot and killed by a young Yugoslav in Sarajevo.This incident was used as a pretext by Austria—Hungary to declare war against Serbia.On the side Of Austria—H ungary were Germany。Bulgaria and Turkey.Italy,though a mereber of the Triple Alliance,joined the Allies against the Central Powe~~.Four years of the imperialist war ended with the Allies victorious.  The War came to the end in 1918.During the war,nearly three million British soldiers were killed,wounded,or disabled.Seventy percent of her merchant ships were sunk or damaged.Britain had lost her sea supremacy by the end of the War.The situation at home was worse than it was during the prewar days.Though victorious,Britain came out of the War with a huge na  tional debt。ten times as large as that before the War.Business was slack,many factories were closed down and taxes were unbelievably heavy.  In 1920 and 1921,an economic crisis broke out for the first time since the end of the War.Industrial production dropped by 46 9/6 during the crisis.  The world economic crisis lasted from 1929 to 1933.It was the most seriOUS economic crisis that Britain had ever experienced.In the depression years,factories and mills closed down,banks failed and foreign trade shriveled.The number of unemployed people in 1932 reached three million.The total value of her export decreased to half the amount of the pre-war level。whereas her imPOrt doubled.Britain’S position in the capitalist world was further weakened.~






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用户评论 (总计24条)


  •   老师推荐的,英美两国家的概况,内容很详细
  •   全英文的、学校使用的教材、比较难、送货蛮快的
  •   课本 挺好 但是 有几页是黄色的 不过学校教材科正经来路也这样
  •   很好,是老师上课的教材
  •   内容丰富 质量不错
  •   正版,送货快,服务态度也很好。
  •   正版,质理不错
  •   当当的速度很快啊,下午下的订单,第二天中午就到了
  •   学术性很强。
  •   书的质量不错,发货也很快,总之商家很给力
  •   真实对当当大失所望,没想到当当在卖正版书地同时还卖盗版书,欺骗消费者啊,纸张这么薄,装订很差,而且买了三本同样的书,封皮颜色竟然不一样,以后还是少在当当买东西!
  •   书很好~但有点折坏了~希望下次发货的时候小心一点~
  •   书来的的很快质量也很好!!!
  •   要是能有中文翻译就更好了~
  •   不错,希望能够提高自己的水平
  •   老师让买的,质量很好,速度也快,好评
  •   作为英语学习者,不了解英美国家的历史 人文 地理 社会概况,是在说不过去。虽然是英文书籍,但是相信对于英语学习爱好者讲,这既是一种挑战,也是一种享受。物有所值。好评
  •   此书内容很好,主要讲英国和美国的地理、人文、人口、建筑、发展历程、重要城市、重要人物及事件、以及支柱产业等等。全英文版的,每一章后都对文中的固定短语、不熟悉的人名地名等有注释。能让你了解英美国家的同时提高英语水平。缺点是纸质不是很好。
  •   做为教材买的
  •   发给我的书就好像是旧书,还有内容也一般
  •   是一本很好的书 学习到不少 但是仍然有些错误。
  •   书的整体质量不错,看着很舒服。
  •   书不错,当当送货也快,很满意,谢谢...
  •   纸张好薄,拿着没有手感,像盗版书。不过印刷还是不错的

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