
出版社:Duane C.Hinders、 Bill Craine 西安交通大学出版社 (2013-06出版)  




STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program, 11 What You Need to Know About the AP Statistics Exam, 3Background Information, 3Some Frequently Asked Questions About the AP Statistics Exam, 42 How to Plan Your Time, 10Three Approaches to Preparing for the AP Statistics Exam, 10Calendar for Each Plan, 12STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness, 153 Take a Diagnostic Exam, 17Interpretation: How Ready Are You?, 41Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions, 41Section II: Free-Response Questions, 41Composite Score, 41STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success, 434 Tips for Taking the Exam, 45 STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program, 11 What You Need to Know About the AP Statistics Exam, 3Background Information, 3Some Frequently Asked Questions About the AP Statistics Exam, 42 How to Plan Your Time, 10Three Approaches to Preparing for the AP Statistics Exam, 10Calendar for Each Plan, 12STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness, 153 Take a Diagnostic Exam, 17Interpretation: How Ready Are You?, 41Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions, 41Section II: Free-Response Questions, 41Composite Score, 41STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success, 434 Tips for Taking the Exam, 45General Test-Taking Tips, 46Tips for Multiple-Choice Questions, 46Tips for Free-Response Questions, 47Specific Statistics Content Tips, 49STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High, 515 Overview of Statistics/Basic Vocabulary, 53Descriptive versus Inferential Statistics, 54Quantitative versus Qualitative Data, 54Collecting Data: Surveys, Experiments, Observational Studies, 55Random Variables, 566 One-Variable Data Analysis, 59Graphical Analysis, 60Measures of Center, 66Measures of Spread, 68Position of a Term in a Distribution, 71Normal Distribution, 74Practice Problems, 80Cumulative Review Problems, 85Solutions to Practice Problems, 86Solutions to Cumulative Review Problems, 917 Two-Variable Data Analysis, 93Scatterplots, 93Correlation, 95Lines of Best Fit, 99Residuals, 102Coefficient of Determination, 104Outliers and Influential Observations, 105Transformations to Achieve Linearity, 106Practice Problems, 109Cumulative Review Problems, 115Solutions to Practice Problems, 116Solutions to Cumulative Review Problems, 1198 Design of a Study: Sampling, Surveys, and Experiments, 121Samples, 122Sampling Bias, 124Experiments and Observational Studies, 126Practice Problems, 132Cumulative Review Problems, 137Solutions to Practice Problems, 137Solutions to Cumulative Review Problems, 1419 Probability and Random Variables, 143Probability, 143Random Variables, 148Normal Probabilities, 152Simulation and Random Number Generation, 154Transforming and Combining Random Variables, 157Rules for the Mean and Standard Deviation of Combined Random Variables, 157Practice Problems, 159Cumulative Review Problems, 165Solutions to Practice Problems, 166Solutions to Cumulative Review Problems, 17210 Binomial Distributions, Geometric Distributions, and Sampling Distributions, 174Binomial Distributions, 174Normal Approximation to the Binomial, 177Geometric Distributions, 179Sampling Distributions, 180Sampling Distributions of a Sample Proportion, 184Practice Problems, 186Cumulative Review Problems, 190Solutions to Practice Problems, 191Solutions to Cumulative Review Problems, 19611 Confidence Intervals and Introduction to Inference, 197Estimation and Confidence Intervals, 198Confidence Intervals for Means and Proportions, 201Sample Size, 206Statistical Significance and P-Value, 208The Hypothesis-Testing Procedure, 210Type-I and Type-II Errors and the Power of a Test, 211Practice Problems, 215Cumulative Review Problems, 220Solutions to Practice Problems, 221Solutions to Cumulative Review Problems, 22712 Inference for Means and Proportions, 229Significance Testing, 230Inference for a Single Population Mean, 232Inference for the Difference Between Two Population Means, 235Inference for a Single Population Proportion, 237Inference for the Difference Between Two Population Proportions, 239Practice Problems, 243Cumulative Review Problems, 248Solutions to Practice Problems, 24913 Inference for Regression, 258Simple Linear Regression, 258Inference for the Slope of a Regression Line, 260Confidence Interval for the Slope of a Regression Line, 262Inference for Regression Using Technology, 264Practice Problems, 268Cumulative Review Problems, 272Solutions to Practice Problems, 273Solutions to Cumulative Review Problems, 27714 Inference for Categorical Data: Chi-Square, 279Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test, 279Inference for Two-Way Tables, 284Practice Problems, 291Cumulative Review Problems, 296Solutions to Practice Problems, 296Solutions to Cumulative Review Problems, 300STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence, 301AP Statistics Practice Exam 1, 305AP Statistics Practice Exam 2, 331Appendixes, 355Formulas, 356Tables, 358Bibliography, 362Web Sites, 363Glossary, 364


欣德斯、克雷恩编著的《AP统计学5分制胜》引进自美国知名教育出版公司McGraw-Hill Education,是美国本土大学课堂使用教材,可以帮助考生提前适应全英学习模式。紧扣考试命题特点,以“五步”方案为学习框架,囊括与考试相关的学科要点。同时,还精选针对性练习以及全真模拟试题,配以准确答案和详尽解析,利于考生巩固所学,紧抓重点,取得高分。    要想在AP统计学考试中表现优秀,就要仔细阅读这本书,认真学习AP统计学课程中的全部知识。



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