
出版社:John T.Moore、 Richard H.Langley 西安交通大学出版社 (2013-06出版)  




STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program, 11 What You Need to Know About the AP Chemistry Exam, 3Background of the Advanced Placement Program, 3Who Writes the AP Chemistry Exam? 4The AP Grades and Who Receives Them, 4Reasons for Taking the AP Chemistry Exam, 4Questions Frequently Asked About the AP Chemistry Exam, 52 How to Plan Your Time, 9Three Approaches to Preparing for the AP Chemistry Exam, 9Calendar for Each Plan, 11STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness, 153 Take a Diagnostic Exam, 17Getting Started: The Diagnostic Exam, 18Answers and Explanations, 27 STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program, 11 What You Need to Know About the AP Chemistry Exam, 3Background of the Advanced Placement Program, 3Who Writes the AP Chemistry Exam? 4The AP Grades and Who Receives Them, 4Reasons for Taking the AP Chemistry Exam, 4Questions Frequently Asked About the AP Chemistry Exam, 52 How to Plan Your Time, 9Three Approaches to Preparing for the AP Chemistry Exam, 9Calendar for Each Plan, 11STEP 2 Determine Your Test Readiness, 153 Take a Diagnostic Exam, 17Getting Started: The Diagnostic Exam, 18Answers and Explanations, 27Scoring and Interpretation, 30STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success, 314 How to Approach Each Question Type, 33Multiple-Choice Questions, 33Free-Response Questions, 36STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High, 415 Basics, 43Units and Measurements, 44Dimensional Analysis—The Factor Label Method, 45The States of Matter, 46The Structure of the Atom, 46Periodic Table, 50Oxidation Numbers, 53Nomenclature Overview, 53Experimental, 59Common Mistakes to Avoid, 59Review Questions, 60Answers and Explanations, 63Free-response Questions, 64Answers and Explanations, 64Rapid Review, 656 Reactions and Periodicity, 67AP Exam Format, 67General Aspects of Chemical Reactions and Equations, 68General Properties of Aqueous Solutions, 69Precipitation Reactions, 70Oxidation–Reduction Reactions, 71Coordination Compounds, 75Acid–Base Reactions, 76Experimental, 80Common Mistakes to Avoid, 80Review Questions, 81Answers and Explanations, 83Free-response Questions, 84Answers and Explanations, 85Rapid Review, 867 Stoichiometry, 88Moles and Molar Mass, 89Percent Composition and Empirical Formulas, 89Reaction Stoichiometry, 91Limiting Reactants, 92Percent Yield, 93Molarity and Solution Calculations, 94Experimental, 95Common Mistakes to Avoid, 95Review Questions, 95Answers and Explanations, 98Free-Response Questions, 99Answers and Explanations, 100Rapid Review, 1018 Gases, 102Kinetic Molecular Theory, 103Gas Law Relationships, 104Experimental, 112Common Mistakes to Avoid, 113Review Questions, 114Answers and Explanations, 117Free-Response Questions, 119Answers and Explanations, 119Rapid Review, 1219 Thermodynamics, 123Calorimetry, 124Laws of Thermodynamics, 126Products Minus Reactants, 126Thermodynamics and Equilibrium, 130Experimental, 131Common Mistakes to Avoid, 131Review Questions, 132Answers and Explanations, 134Free-Response Questions, 134Answers and Explanations, 135Rapid Review, 13510 Spectroscopy, Light, and Electrons, 137The Nature of Light, 137Wave Properties of Matter, 139Atomic Spectra, 139Atomic Orbitals, 140Experimental, 141Common Mistakes to Avoid, 141Review Questions, 142Answers and Explanations, 143Free-Response Questions, 144Answers and Explanations, 144Rapid Review, 14511 Bonding, 147Lewis Electron-Dot Structures, 148Ionic and Covalent Bonding, 148Molecular Geometry—VSEPR, 152Valence Bond Theory, 154Molecular Orbital Theory, 155Resonance, 156Bond Length, Strength, and Magnetic Properties, 158Experimental, 158Common Mistakes to Avoid, 158Review Questions, 159Answers and Explanations, 161Free-Response Questions, 162Answers and Explanations, 162Rapid Review, 16412 Solids, Liquids, and Intermolecular Forces, 166Structures and Intermolecular Forces, 167The Liquid State, 168The Solid State, 169Phase Diagrams, 170Relationship of Intermolecular Forces to Phase Changes, 171Experimental, 173Common Mistakes to Avoid, 173Review Questions, 173Answers and Explanations, 176Free-Response Questions, 176Answers and Explanations, 177Rapid Review, 17713 Solutions and Colligative Properties, 179Concentration Units, 180Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes, 183Colligative Properties, 183Colloids, 187Experimental, 187Common Mistakes to Avoid, 188Review Questions, 189Answers and Explanations, 191Free-Response Questions, 194Answers and Explanations, 194Rapid Review, 19514 Kinetics, 197Rates of Reaction, 198Integrated Rate Laws, 201Activation Energy, 202Reaction Mechanisms, 203Catalysts, 204Experimental, 204Common Mistakes to Avoid, 205Review Questions, 205Answers and Explanations, 207Free-Response Questions, 208Answers and Explanations, 209Rapid Review, 21015 Equilibrium, 21116 Electrochemistry, 24117 Nuclear Chemistry, 26018 Organic Chemistry, 26819 Experimental, 278STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence, 301AP Chemistry Practice Exam 1, 303AP Chemistry Practice Exam 2, 325Appendixes, 345SI Units, 347Balancing Redox Equations Using the Ion-Electron Method, 349Common Ions, 353Bibliography, 356Web Sites, 357Glossary, 358Exam Resources, 367


穆尔、兰利编著的《AP化学5分制胜》第1章对AP化学的考试特点进行了概述。第2章为考生提供了三种备考方案及其时间安排。如果考生选择为期一学年的方案,可以将这本书与自己参加的AP化学课程同步使用。如果考生选择其他两种方案中的一种,也可以与自己参加的AP化学课程同步使用,但是需要更侧重这本辅导书的使用。不管怎样,只要大家付出了时间和努力,就会有收获。第3章是一份预测题,帮助考生评估自己复习前的水平,发现在之后的复习中需要额外注意的薄弱之处。第4章为每个考试题型提出了一些有效的应试策略,让复习更有技巧性。从第5章到第19章是对化学知识的逐一讲解,涵盖了AP考试中的几乎所有考查内容。本书最后还提供了两套完整的全真模拟试题,可以帮助考生检测复习效果,并体验真实的考试场景。本书还有一些有利于考生学习的细节设置。例如,每章末尾配有复习题,帮助考生检查自己对相关内容的理解程度。这里提醒一下考生,请特别注意free-response questions部分的题目,这是能够让自己有突出表现的部分,且分值与多项选择题几乎相同。此外,还可利用快速回顾(Rapid Review)来复习每章的重点知识。



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