
出版时间:2012-5  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:王宏俐,等 编  页数:277  


  《研究生英语创新教育系列教材:国际学术交流英语》力求选材的时代性、规范性、全面性、知识性和启迪性。本教材材料新颖、语言规范,涵盖国际学术交流的各个方面,便于学生获取信息和提高技能。  《研究生英语创新教育系列教材:国际学术交流英语》在体例编排上别具一格,科学合理。本教材的每一单元均有基本知识的介绍,又有典型的实例,针对性强的问题和翔实的语言技能说明。同时每一板块后面都配有练习,既便于教师课堂操作,也可供学生课后自主学习。


Chapter 1 International Academic ConferencePart 1 General KnowledgePart 2 Conference NoticePart 3 Call for PapersPart 4 Conference ProgramSkills WorkChapter 2 Correspondence before and after ConferencePart 1 General KnowledgePart 2 Letters oflnvitation and ReplyPart 3 Letters oflnquiry and ReplyPart 4 Letters Applying for Financial AidsPart 5 Cover LettersPart 6 Letters about Papers and Abstract SubmittedPart 7 Letters of CongratulationPart 8 Letters ofThanksSkills WorkChapter 3 Academic Paper WritingPart 1 General KnowledgePart 2 Title and AuthorAffiliationPart 3 Abstract and KeywordsPart 4 IntroductionPart 5 Materials and MethodsPart 6 ResultsPart 7 DiscussionPart 8 ConclusionPart 9 AcknowledgementPart 10 ReferenceBibliographySkills WorkChapter 4 Oral Presentation of an Academic PaperPart 1 General KnowledgePart 2 Beginning the PresentationPart 3 Developing the PresentationPart 4 Ending the PresentationSkills WorkChapter 5 General Presiding Procedures at a MeetingPart 1 General KnowledgePart 2 Opening a ConferencePart 3 Introducing a SpeakerPart 4 Organizing a Question & Answer SessionPart 5 Closing a ConferenceSkills WorkChapter 6 Other Peripheral Academic ExchangePart 1 General KnowledgePart 2 Talking with ProfessionalsPart 3 Guiding Campus TourPart 4 Guiding Lab TourPart 5 Guiding City TourSkills Work听力原文参考答案



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