
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:杨蕾,郭继荣 主编  页数:258  


  随着社会信息化和经济全球化趋势的到来。中国经济发生了翻天覆地的变化.英语教学也成为培养人才的重要环节。各种新的管理思想不断涌现。管理术语与词汇层出不穷。同时,全球经济发展已经把地球变成地球村,国际化进程需要中国培养更多的既懂经营管理。又能熟练掌握外语技能的复合人才。懂专业,会外语的高层次人才是我国未来社会经济发展和国家创新体制的核心力量。鉴于此,我们编写和出版了这本教材,希望能满足各界对管理专业英语的需求。本教材有以下特点:  (1)课文内容尽量覆盖管理学要点和热点,课文包含理论与事例,使学习者了解专业英语的特点,掌握管理英语专业术语和专业词汇。  (2)课文内容选自近几年欧美国家出版的管理类英文原著,在选材上体现代表性、新颖性、先进性和系统性。  (3)课文安排合理。每个单元有正课文一篇,课后阅读一篇。主课文可用。于教师课堂上讲解,课后阅读用于课后自学,这样的安排能帮助学生发展精读和泛读的能力。  (4)练习设计灵活。类型多样。教材设计有利于培养学生的听、说、读、写、译五项技能,以此巩固学生所学的知识点,特别是专业术语。  (5)参考齐全。本书附录部分提供练习答案、参考译文、词汇表和听力原文,从而有效帮助教师和学生进行课堂教学和课后自学。  本教材在编写的过程中广泛吸纳了众多师生的宝贵意见.同时也得到了西安交通大学出版社的领导和编辑们的大力支持,作者对他们表示衷心的感谢。由于时间紧迫,加之我们的水平有限,书中的错误、遗漏在所难免.敬请各位同行与广大读者批评指正。




Unit 1 Introduction to Scientific Management Additional Reading The Scientific Method and Model ClassificationUnit 2 Skills of an Effective Administrator Additional Reading Management and leadershipUnit 3 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth as the Primary Goal-Foundation Concept Additional Reading Maximization of Shareholder Wealth——Managerial StrategiesUnit 4 Alternative Strategies of PepsiCo Additional Reading Converting Strategy to Operational RealityUnit 5 Total Quality and Management Additional Reading Harley-Davidson's Near Death and Quality RebirthUnit 6 About consumer behavior Additional Reading "Touchy-Feely" Research into Consumer MotivationsUnit 7 Nike: It's Not So Much the Shoes But Where They Take You Additional Reading Great Salespeople: Drive, Discipline, and Relationship-Building SkillsUnit 8 Logistics Management Additional Reading Price Competition in logisticsUnit 9 Human Resource Management: an overview Additional Reading Tomorrow's HR Today New Management PracticesUnit 10 Personality and Organizational Behavior Additional Reading Policies and Organization in the UPSUnit 11 Performance Appraisal Additional Reading Establishing Balance ScorecardsUnit 12 Five Techniques for Full-cycle Cost Management Additional Reading Managing OperationsUnit 13 Emergency of Information System Additional Reading The Value and Cost of InformationUnit 14 What's Electronic Commerce? Additional Reading Electronic PaymentUnit 15 Type and Patterns of Innovation Additional Reading Going Solo and CollaborationUnit 16 Introduction to Risk Additional Reading Risk RetentionAppendix I Reference Translation of TextsAppendix II Key to the ExerciseAppendix III TapescriptsAppendix IV Glossary


  4. Functional group management. This technique consists of breaking the production process into autonomous groups and treating each as a profit center. There are two reasons for doing so. First, the switch to profit as opposed to cost centers allows the groups to increase the throughput of their production processes even if those changes result in higher costs. The second motivation is the change in mindset that functional group management induces. Converting the production lines to profit centers helps the groups to better understand their contribution to the companys overall profitability1.  The production process at Tatsuno was broken into ten autonomous groups. By finding ways to increase their output levels, those groups were able to generate additional revenues and greater profits. When the capacity of the factory is increased, real performance of the factory will be improved.  5. Product costing. This technique helps coordinate the efforts of the other four techniques by providing them with important, up-to-date information. The process consists of three major functions. The first is to determine if new products are indeed being manufactured at their target costs. The second is to ensure that the production processes are operating at the expected level of efficiency. And the third is to identify unprofitable products for further action, such as replacement or aggressive cost reductions.



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