出版时间:2010-7 出版社:西安交大 作者:(美)兹佐//(西)圣托米//(美)海因斯 页数:298
《你的英文又错了!——英文正误辨析1001例》系列的三位作者从事英文编辑及写作教学二十余年,深谙中国学习者在英文使用中的通病。本套参考书集作者多年经验之大成,专为中国学习者量身打造。书中深入剖析造成英文使用错误的六大根源,有的放矢地收录中国学习者常犯却不自知的超过1001个英文错误用法,通过生动的例证说明、一针见血的分析和大量跟进练习,帮助学习者明辨细微的易错易混用法,彻底克服英文使用中的顽疾!本套参考书分为初、中、高三个级别,难度循序渐进,可以满足不同水平学习者的学习需求,更是准备各类英语考试的考生以及英语教师不可或缺的参考资料! 收录超过1001个常见的英文错误用法,涵盖量大,将常见英文错误用法一网打尽。 采用正误对照的方式编排,给出简单易懂的原因分析,让读者知其然,更知其所以然。 拓展词条的相关表达,给出错误用法相似的参考条目,举一反三,灵活记忆。 按难易程度设置大量丰富、有趣的练习,及时检验并巩固学习效果,帮助学习者发现并且彻底摒除此类错误。 体恤学生需求,按照错误表达的字母顺序编排索引,囊括书中所有英文错误表达、正确表达以及相关表达,可以作为工具书随时查阅。
What is the purpose of this book?How is this book organized? What are the common sources of errors in English?How should you use this book? (Teachers)How should you use this book? (Self-Learners)What benefits do the exercises provide?What terms should you know before using this book?Common Error ListExercise 1 Exercise 2Exercise 3Exercise 4Exercise 5Exercise 6Exercise 7Exercise 8Exercise 9 Exercise 10Exercise 11Exercise 12Exercise 13Exercise 14Exercise 15Answer KeyIndex
What is the purpose of this book? This book helps readers recognize and eliminate common English errors made by Chinese speakers of English. It is not a grammar book. It has more modest goals. The authors hope that by going through examples, explanations, and exercises, readers will be able to stop making some of the most common and persistent English errors among Chinese speakers of English. How is this book organized? The errors are listed in an alphabetical order, as in a dictionary. When alphabetizing the list, only the articles (a, an, the) were ignored; all other words, including prepositions (of, on, etc.), were considered. However, when the error was a fixed expression, the whole expression was taken into account, including articles and prepositions. The entries are made on actual errors, not the corresponding correct expressions. The book is targeted at Chinese speakers of English, and therefore, the authors do not assume that its users already know the correct English expressions. (If you are an English teacher, the list may be disorienting for you at first, but we hope that realizing its benefit for the target students, you will overlook the inconvenience.) The easiest way to locate an error is to search for it as you would search for a word or a phrase in a dictionary. That failing, you should look for it in the index. The index has a complete entry of all errors and their related expressions whose usage often leads to errors.