
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:克拉文  页数:111  


“剑桥实境英语”系列丛书(Cambridge Real English Skills)由新东方自剑桥大学出版社独家引进出版,是一套针对英语听、说、读、写的综合技能提高教程。本丛书共12册,分为初级、中级、中高级和高级四个级别,为英语学习者提供了全新的听、说、读、写材料。每单元按主题分类,基本涵盖了工作、生活、学习、旅游等日常情景,每个情景真实再现了以英语为母语的国家人们的生活,旨在为广大英语学习者提供一个真实的语言环境,全面提高英语交际能力。  本丛书实用性强、覆盖面广、题材丰富、图文并茂,可帮助英语学习者丰富英语知识,积累语言素材,培养良好的语言感觉,训练正确的思维方式,适合于学生自学或课堂教学。


Map of the bookAcknowledgementsIntroductionSocial and Travel Unit 1 How’s it going? Unit 2 I’m looking for a camera Unit 3 I need to see a doctor Unit 4 What’s the problem? Unit 5 What a lot of red tape! Unit 6 What a great view! Review 1Work and Study Unit 7 I’d appreciate it Unit 8 This is your office Unit 9 I’ll sort it out  Unit 10 Can I call you back? Unit 11 Shall we move on?  Unit 12 I’d like to begin by… Unit 13 Let’s take a closer look  Unit 14 Can you expand on that? Unit 15 It’ll help me get a good job Unit 16 I work well under pressureReview 2Appendices Appendix 1 Useful language Appendix 2 Pronunciation features Appendix 3 Speaking strategies Appendix 4 Presentation evaluationAudioscriptAnswer key


  Have you studied long and hard, but still feel unprepared for everyday life in an English-speakingworld? Then Real Listening & Speaking could be just what you need.You can develop the listening and speaking skills you need to feel confident in any situation——whether youre travelling, studying, at work or just chatting with English-speaking friends. Activitiesbased around the themes of Social and Travel and Work and Study cover a whole range ofeveryday situations and really help you to feel sure of the English youre using in your daily life.  A range of tasks based on real-life situations and texts will give you the confidence to tackle  any situation.  Learning tips throughout the book will help you develop the listening and speaking skills that  you need.  A unit-by-unit checklist, based on the ALTE Can-do statements, lets you see what you have A chieved and feel proud of it!This book also gives you:  cultural notes, helping you to put what you have learned into context  the chance to take your learning off the page and into your daily life, through extra real world practice tasks  bonus tasks suitable for pair and group work, giving you even more opportunities to get it right!Teachers can visit the dedicated website at www.cambridge.org/englishskills to access completeteaching notes.




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用户评论 (总计39条)


  •   适合欲出国的童鞋熟悉地道的英语
  •   真的非常实用的书,前半部生活场景,后半部工作场景,可以再配合上个新东方的课
  •   纯正的英式英语!
  •   新东方口语课的教材,不错的
  •   任何材料,只有使用才能充分发挥它的价值,好好学习
  •   开学季参加活动买的,很划算,全彩印适合学习。
  •   包装不错 感觉很好 价格也是很实惠 下次会再来
  •   4本都买了,感觉很好,印刷和纸张都很棒
  •   内容丰富精彩。就是有点不适应 排版什么的、、
  •   绝对是正版,还附送光盘,书的质量非常好,一点味道都没有。最关键的是昨天下单,今天上午就到了,当当的物流是最赞的!
  •   第四本为什么没有包装 ???
  •   很好的一套教材,内容很不错。
  •   真的是非常非常实用。适合准备出国的人。
  •   需要的同学 看价格OK就买把~~哈哈
  •   很好用呢,很实用哦。
  •   带领全班学生在用
  •   发音很准,很不错的辅助教材。
  •   时间很满意
  •   见过差劲的快递,没见过这么差劲的,明明自己快递送晚了,打电话还挺有理!再在当当上买东西,真是,除非万不得以啊!
  •   比我想像的好
  •   书很好,很实用,容易上手
  •   suitable for level of CET-6
  •   送货及时,质量很好!值得购买!
  •   不错,网上买省时省力
  •   这书很好!推荐!打折买的很划算
  •   挺好的,一直用这个,听力曲目也很好
  •   用于员工培训的书,很实用
  •   感觉这是BEC系列里面很少的书,有很多实用的tip,受益匪浅
  •   书不错,是正品,配赠光盘,很实用,好评
  •   光盘没碎,包装完整,很好
  •   挺好的,应该对学习会有帮助
  •   貌似有点简单~~~~~~~~~
  •   就是太过简单
  •   書的紙張質量、印刷都很不錯,我買了聽說的全套,相信學完以後會有所收獲吧!
  •   买了一年,上学期也是在这买的,质量很不错的说
  •   太简单了,初中生看一下不错
  •   送货很快,还没有看
  •   内容一般,和期望有距离
  •   书看起来还可以,但这几本书快递包装太烂了,商家要提高意识啊,这书里面有光盘的,就1个塑料袋就快递过来,坏了,谁负责?

250万本中文图书简介、评论、评分,PDF格式免费下载。 第一图书网 手机版
