
出版时间:2009-6  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:德利斯科  页数:110  


剑桥实境英语”系列丛书(Cambridge Real English Skills)由新东方自剑桥大学出版社独家引进出版,是一套针对英语听、说、读、写的综合技能提高教程。本丛书共12册,分为初级、中级、中高级和高级四个级别,为英语学习者提供了全新的听、说、读、写材料。每单元按主题分类,基本涵盖了工作、生活、学习、旅游等日常情景,每个情景真实再现了以英语为母语的国家人们的生活,旨在为广大英语学习者提供一个真实的语言环境,全面提高英语交际能力。  本丛书实用性强、覆盖面广、题材丰富、图文并茂,可帮助英语学习者丰富英语知识,积累语言素材,培养良好的语言感觉,训练正确的思维方式,适合于学生自学或课堂教学。


Map of the bookAcknowledgementsIntroductionSocial and Travel Unit 1 We’re here! Unit 2 What can I eat? Unit 3 Where will I find it? Unit 4 Can I get money here? Unit 5 Somewhere to stay Unit 6 Is this what I need? Unit 7 Who’s it from? Unit 8 Where can we park? Unit 9 Let’s go there Unit 10 I’d like to register Unit 11 What’s on tonight?Review 1Work and Study Unit 12 This school sounds good! Unit 13 I’ve chosen this one! Unit 14 Use a pencil! Unit 15 It’s on the noticeboard Unit 16 I’m working nightsReview 2Appendices Appendix 1 Useful language Appendix 2 Learning tips Appendix 3 Using a dictionaryAnswer key


  Have you studied long and hard, but still feel unprepared for everyday life in an English-speaking world. Then Cambridge English Skills could just be what you need, whether you are studying alone or in the classroom.  You can develop the skills you need to use English confidently whether you are—at home, at work, traveling, studying or in social situations with English-speaking friends.  Activities based around the themes of ‘Social and Travel’ and ‘Work and Study’ cover a whole range of everyday situations and really help you to understand the English you meet in the world around you.  Cambridge English Skills series is specially designed for learners wanting to communicate confidently in English, and offers the flexibility to be used either in the classroom or for self-study.  《剑桥实境英语(阅读1)》优势:    ※ Feel more confident reading in English  A range of tasks based on real-life situations and texts will give you the confidence to tackle any situation.  ※ Develop coping strategies for dealing with difficult texts  Learning tips throughout the book will help you develop the reading skills that you need.  ※ Monitor your progress  A unit-by-unit checklist, based on the ALTE Can-do statements, lets you see what you have achieved—and feel proud of it!  This book also gives you:  ※ cultural notes, helping you to put what you have learned into context.  ※ the chance to take your learning off the page and into your daily life, through extra ‘real world’ practice tasks.  ※ bonus tasks suitable for pair and group work, giving you even more opportunities to get it right!  Teachers can visit the dedicated website at www.cambridge.org/englishskills to access complete teaching notes.



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用户评论 (总计18条)


  •   对学习英语有帮助,简单实用
  •   新东方的这套书确实不错,之前买了23,那时觉得1可能太简单了,但是回头想想,还是买下来吧,有些语言点也能看看!!
  •   这个阅读跟我想象的完全不一样,不是我们考试中那种做题的阅读文,书不厚,全彩的,其中列出的内容都是在国外实际生活中会看见的标识,帮助你读懂这些在国外要经常看见的内容,比如菜单、宣传单、账单什么的,对于要去国外生活或者旅游的人真的可以看看。买的阅读1,就发现有不少还不知道的内容,真的值得推荐!
  •   不错,很适合基础学习
  •   很不错,时候低级别的学生使用,可以锻炼阅读和积累词汇。
  •   涉及日常生活,版面很美
  •   这本书很好,内容全是原版英文,纸张也不错,适合家庭教学,但送货较慢
  •   此书因不便自学,故显一般
  •   帮学生买的,书还没拆开,但觉得纸张还不错,内容应该也不错吧。。
  •   好书,科学
  •   准备出国的。
  •   一直在用新东方的书,这套教材很好用,但是不太适合初学者自学。
  •   为着自己喜欢的事情,不停的奋斗!Cambridge!
  •   书是好书,但是不知道是否适合自己。
  •   还可以,但是对于初学者可能就太难了
  •   有点看不懂,初3的人看最好
  •   华而不实,内容简单,纸张浪费,价格过高。性价比很低。
  •   没有包装的 还少碟 希望补发给我

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