
出版时间:2009-5  出版社:西安交大  作者:新东方教育科技集团雅思研究院  页数:192  


  Dear Student,  Thank you for choosing to study for the IELTS with New Oriental.This book is the long anticipated result of a close cooperation betweenNew Oriental and international IELTS experts to develop our own IELTStraining materials.We believe it offers a different approach,with thefollowing features:  First of all,the language used is likely what you will encounter in a realclassmom 0r work setting while living abroad.The setting of each dialogueis also consistent with how you might encounter English as used by nativespeakers in their own country.  Also,under the guidance of renowned professor Rod Ellis,our partnerinternational research team has delivered a proven methodology for ensuringthe intended acquisition of needed skills for IELTS test takers in speaking,listening,reading and writing.  And most importantly,this book incorporates ten years of IELTS trainingexperience by the very best teachers at New Oriental,and therefore has beencustomized to suit the needs of Chinese students.  I sincerely hope that together with these materials New Oriental teacherscan nlake your IELTS classroom fruitful and rewarding.Enjoy your learningtime with New Oriental!  Zhou Chenggang  新东方教育科技集团雅思研究院院长  新东方教育科技集团常务副总裁




Unit 1 EducationUnit 2 FoodUnit 3 Sport and ExerciseUnit 4 Media Unit 5 RelationshipsUnit 6 AdvertisingUnit 7 Further Study and Future PlansUnit 8 The Natural EnvironmentUnit 9 Cooking and Special OccasionsUnit 10 Transport Unit 11 News SourcesUnit 12 Leisure ActivitiesUnit 13 Technology and EquipmentUnit 14 Money and FinanceUnit 15 EmploymentUnit 16 CommoditiesUnit 17 PopulationUnit 18 International EventsUnit 19 CommunicationUnit 20 TourismAnswer Key


  On weekdays,and sometimes on the weekend,I go to the university in the city from my house in Ranui,which is in a gestern suburb.It’S quite far,about 30 kilometres,and it takes an houg but I don’t mind thejourncy because I do all the reading for my university on the train.  Every morning I get up at 6 o’clock.I have to get up this early to get to university on time,if I go bytrain.So I get up at 6 0’clock and I have to leave the house by ten to seven to get the 7.15 train.It onlytakes about 1 5 minutes to walk to the train station,but I leave myself plenty of time because the trainsare never on time~Often they’re late,but sometimes they are early!A couple of times last year they nevercame and I had to wait over an hour!The trains are quite old SO they often break down.  This is another reason why I need to get to the station earlV in case I have to get a bus.If the trainbreaks down,you see,the train company is supposed to send buses for the commuters,but when thishappens it takes much longer to get to the city because of the delay and because the bus stops many timesalong the way.So that’S why I have to leave early!If there is a breakdown,I usually get to university latefor my lecture.even if I leave home early.It’S rather frustrating!But I do prefer taking the train because you can read or write on board,even use a laptop!Buses,onthe other hand,are very uncomfortable.They make you roll about as they move and when they stop,you have to stop writing or else you make a big mess on your paper!The last time I took a bus I gave uptrying to write after ten minutes!I have been thinking about tiding a bicycle to the city recently ItS a verylong journey though,but it would be good for exercise!There is a bike lane along the motorway now,SOit is much safer than it used to be and 1 wouldnt have to leave home any earlier in the morning than I donow,since cycling is quite fast.  I think 1 will end up cycling to university…maybe aider my exams.It would be a much nicer journey Ithink.




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  •   一直都用新东方的复习资料,这个雅思口语专门对口语考试中可能涉及到的话题进行了系统指导,并对雅思口语的评分标准进行了全面剖析,让读者对自己的口语水平和需要强化的环节了然于心。
  •   一直以来非常喜欢新东方的书,这本雅思口语也是斟酌之后买的,感觉不错
  •   之前在网上看到这本书的时候感觉这本书应该还不错,毕竟是新东方出得书嘛,所以索性就买下了,收到书后看了下,感觉上面的东西都很简单,都是高中课程中接触的东西,心一下跌倒了低谷,但是认真看了下,感觉这本书其实还是很实用,特别是里面的录音,很英式,很地道,有看英式电影的感觉,学英语不一定要学很高深的东西,特别是口语,语言就是沟通的工具,只要能够能与外国人沟通就好,因此这本书还是很不错的!
  •   对雅思的口语考试很有用处
  •   雅思口语,很正的 ,,
  •   啊!雅思必备,提高口语好方法
  •   和雅思听力一起使用很不错,适合雅思基础学习的朋友,自学也不错。
  •   到了高三要进行口语听说考试我英语从小没学好 发音不标准 自从买了这本书 口音越来越地道
  •   系统的学习雅思,翻了翻,貌似不错
  •   用于雅思学习非常不错。值得购买
  •   商品不错,学习雅思不错的材料,推荐
  •   对于学习口语很有帮助,而且全书采页也不枯燥
  •   挺适合口语差劲的人学习
  •   讲解很基础,易懂。包含各个话题的词汇和常用句子结构。适合初次考雅思的人使用,基础较好的就不建议使用本书了
  •   对于提高雅思听力很有帮助
  •   内容丰富,材料很适合雅思
  •   非常有用,希望这次雅思能过
  •   是入门的书籍,对雅思初学者有帮助
  •   学雅思,从新东方开始!
  •   纸张相当好,适合有志考雅思的的人。
  •   很好,对于备考雅思很有帮助
  •   书的质量很好,听力纸张特别厚,还是彩印的,是新东方的教材,版面设计合理。
  •   书有点压皱了。不过不影响使用就算了吧。新东方课程用书,没什么好说的。
  •   感觉很赞,喜欢新东方的书
  •   非常满意,一直用的是新东方的书,喜欢也习惯了,编写的很好!
  •   喜欢新东方这个系列的书~
  •   冲着新东方去的。
  •   支持新东方,纸张太好了,看得舒服
  •   我们口语老师上课的教材,书的质量很好,就是好重啊背着。
  •   个人觉得不如上网找的口语题来的实在
  •   可以借此提高我的口语了。
  •   不错的口语资料!
  •   想想不到口语是这样的,我以为是有好多句子结果跟我想的不同
  •   用来练口语的说
  •   练口语挺好
  •   还没读过,刚收到。很大的一本书,附有mp3,虽然不知道是否适合我,但纸质很好,看起来舒服。粗劣的看下还是挺适合我基础级的学习的
  •   这本书体现了我们英语学习中差距的地方
  •   书很不错哦!质量非常好,是一套很好的英语学习教材。
  •   纸的质量不错,MP3也很清晰。
  •   适合没没接收过“中国式”英语教育的小盆友得课堂书。
  •   我觉得很有用,希望有它的帮助,我的英语有进步吧
  •   正版书,学英语需要毅力
  •   对我的英语有很大帮助!谢谢!
  •   主要冲这书的听力教程来的,给儿子作为背景英语听,听上去不错
  •   这本书很有用,提升了我的英语 考试很实用
  •   已经有差不多十年没学英语了,上学学的英语早就交给老师了,现在准备重新开始学,这本书对于我稍有点难度了,还是坚持吧。希望能学好。
  •   包装都OK还有光盘赠送,方便多了
  •   使用国际班的同学学习
  •   在学习之前建议先预习所有单词
  •   这本书包装很好,很实用,值得学习
  •   虽然书的价格有点贵,不过既然决定了就买下来好好学习!
  •   比较基础,不适合提高的
  •   纸质好,也对得起价格,内容适于基础学者。
  •   内容很丰富,帮助很大。质量很好。
  •   还好,基本满意,不过现在貌似更便宜了,早知道不买那么早了
  •   书是正版的,印刷非常好,有一定的作用
  •   看上去不错 开学后好好用起来~~·
  •   书很好,快递也很快,评论的晚了,一直在用特别好
  •   还没学,就是想看看,课余时间学着玩,大概这本书会起到用处吧
  •   书很好!印刷也很好!内容也很细!
  •   这个里面的东子不错啊啊啊
  •   质量很好很好很好,赞!!!!
  •   嗯,不错!很满意,虽然还没用
  •   不实用,退了!!!
  •   质量很好,很值得,,,,
  •   好啊!好啊
  •   第一次在当当网上买书,是正版,很不错。
  •   希望对我考雅思有帮助
  •   用户957112625评价
  •   送来未拆封
  •   雅思口语,不错!

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