
出版时间:2008-9  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:吴莹 著  页数:352  


  This book is intended for the postgraduate students enrolled in the Read-ings of Western Culture classes.It seeks to be inclusive of English writings and American writings at every stage of the development of western culture,but not exclusive of a few translated writings from other sources before the earlv seven-teenth century,which as the fountain of western culture,I think,are too im-portant to be omitted,and also to be various of the styles of writings.But as it IS,western culture is SO vast with such a long history and such a heavy civiliza-tion that I have only here to glean some highlights sporadically as a skimming glance upon the western culture.


Unit 1 Seek out Tuue KnowledgeUnit 2 The Implication of the BibleUnit 3 The Dark Side of Human NatureUnit 4 Knowledge Is PowerUnit 5 The Leading Spirits of Industrial SocietyUnit 6 People and NatureUnit 7 Reflection on Modern CivilizationUnit 8 Technology and Human ValueUnit 9 War,Another Name of PoliticsUnit 10 Freedom and libertyUnit 11 Civil DisobedienceUnit 12 What Will Come in Future



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