出版时间:2008-5 出版社:西安交通大学出版社 作者:芭芭拉·C·麦克纳林,拉尔夫·H·小斯普拉格 页数:642
由Prentice Hall于2005年出版、西安交通大学出版社影印出版的Information Systems Management in Practice(Seventh Edition)(《信息系统管理实践》)(第七版)一书是信息系统管理领域一本领先的教科书。作者Barbara C.MCNurlin毕业于University of California,SantaBarbara,从1969年她与自己的父亲Dick Canning编写每月一期的新闻通讯EDP Analyzer,就开始了信息系统领域的作家生涯,她特别擅长于从事公司如何创造性地使用信息技术方面的案例写作。她在GartnerExecutive Programs(EXP)从事研究和写作,是MIS Quarterly Execu-tive的制作编辑,曾先后两次获得信息管理学会(Society for InformationManagement)的年度论文奖。她还是California State University,Sac-ramento的讲师,为MBA讲授信息系统核心课程。作者Ralph H.Sprague,Jr.是夏威夷大学工商管理学院信息技术管理系的教授,有30多年从事组织中的计算机和信息技术应用的教学、研究和咨询的经验,他的专长在决策支持系统、战略信息系统规划、信息系统管理以及电子文档管理方面。他发表和出版了数十篇学术论文和专著,其中关于决策支持系统框架的论文是1980年以来信息系统领域引用最多的25篇论文之一,他被公认为是管理信息系统领域10位顶尖学者之一。过去的30年里,他曾多次担任Hawaii International Confer-ence on System Sciences(HICSS)会议主席或联合主席,先后给包括Xerox,Apple,IBM,Coca-Cola of Australia,Fuj itsu,Bank of Ameri-ca,the Governments of Egypt and Israel等机构和组织咨询过。这两位作者从1985年起合作撰写本书的第一版,2005年出版的第七版在全球的很多大学和学院使用,包括MIS专业的核心课程和MBA的核心课程。本书论述了当代组织在信息技术(IT)管理方面的实践,重点放在信息系统主管认为重要的一些问题上,全书的框架便于初学者理解。本书对MIS的发展历程进行了细致的描述和回顾,对各种IS管理的风格和战略提供了全面和深刻的见解。
麦克纳林,毕业于加州大学圣芭芭拉分校,从1969年她与自己的父亲Dick Cannin9编写每月一期的新闻通讯EDP Analyzer,就开始了信息系统领域著作的写作生涯,她特别擅长于从事公司如何创造性地使用信息技术方面的案例写作。
Preface CHAFFER 1 111e Importance of Information Systems ManagementPARTⅠ LEADERSHIP ISSUES CHAPTER 2 TheTop IS Job CHAPTER 3 Strategic Uses of Information Technology CHAPTER 4 Information Systems Planning Part Ⅰ Discussion Case:Ⅵmat IT Strategy Would You Recommend Based on Royal Dutch/Shell Group’S Scenarios?PARTⅡ MANAGING THE ESSENTlAL TECHNOLOGIES CHAPTER 5 Distributed Systems:111e Overall Architecture CHAPTER 6 Managing Telecommunications CHAPTER 7 Managing Information Resources CHAPTER 8 Managing Operations Part Ⅱ Discussion Case:Managing Information Security on a Shoestring BudgetPARTⅢ MANAGING sYSTEM DEvELOPMENT CHAPTER 9 Technologies for Developing Systems CHAFFER 10 Management Issues in System Development Part Ⅲ Discussion Case:A Dream Project Turns Nightmare:HOW Flawless Software Never Got ImplementedPart Ⅳ SYSTEMS FoR SUPPORTING KNOWLEDGE-BASED WORK CHAFFER 11 Supporting Decision Making CHAPTER 12 Supporting Collaboration CHAPTER 13 Supporting Knowledge Work Part Ⅳ Discussion Case:How Should Lego Protect Its Trademark,Operating System, and Applications?PART Ⅴ THINKING AHEAD CHAPTER 14 Ihe Challenges AheadGlossaryIndex
During the 1990s, the push for open systems was driven primarily by software pur-chasers who were tired of being locked in to proprietary software (or hardware). Theopen systems movement continues to demand that different products work together,that is, interoperate. Vendors initially accommodated this demand with hardware andsoftware black boxes that performed the necessary interface conversions, but the costof this approach is lower efficiency.Another major trend in the 1990s was toward enterprise resource planning (ERP)systems, which tightly integrate various functions of an enterprise so that managementcan see cross-enterprise financial figures and order and manufacturing volumes. Somefirms implemented ERP to replace legacy systems that were not Y2K compliant(i.e., the systems would think that an "02" would mean 1902 rather than 2002).Implementing ERP involves integrating components, which is called systems integra-tion, rather than application development. Implementation has been expensive andtroublesome, especially for companies wanting to modify the ERP software to fit theirunique processes. However, for many large corporations, their ERP system has becometheir foundation information system, in essence, defining their IT architecture.Like hardware, software is becoming more network-centric. Rather than replacelegacy systems, many companies are adding Web front ends to broaden access to the sys-tems to employees, customers,' and suppliers. Companies are establishing corporateportals where employees log into their company intranet to use software housed at thatsite. This approach moves the software from being decentralized (on PCs) to beingcentralized (on a server somewhere).Another change in software is the move to Web Services. Web Services are packagesof code that each perform a specific function and have a URL (Uniform ResourceLocator; an address on the Internet) so that they can be located via the Internet to fulfilla request. For example, if you have accessed FedEx's Web site to track a package, youhave used a Web Service. MacAfee's virus protection also is delivered to PCs using a WebServices approach. The software industry is morphing into a Web Services industry.The significance of Web Services is that it moves software and programming tobeing truly network-centric; the network becomes the heart of the system, linking allWeb Services. Packages of code can be concatenated to produce highly tailored andquickly changed processes. In the past, once software was programmed to handle aprocess in a specific way, it essentially cast that process in electronic concrete becausethe process could not change until the software was modified. The tenet of Web Servicesis that a process is defined at the time it is executed, because each Web Service decidesat that time which of its many options to use to answer the current request. The world ofWeb Services entails its own jargon, standards, and products. Importantly, it builds onthe past——functions in legacy systems can be packaged to become Web Services.