
出版时间:2008-4  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:王炳炎 主编  页数:149  


  在中国,英语的教与学,无论是教师或是学生,不可谓不重视,各方面的投入也很多,然而其效果之差,人皆知之。相当多的人在学了几年英语之后便陷入了一种尴尬的局面:单词认识了不少,语法规则背了不少,可是英语却读不懂,说不出,写不成,无法用英语进行真正的交际,因而由厌倦变灰心,继而最终放弃,不但浪费了宝贵的年华,而且当需要使用英语时又常常会后悔不已。  面对这种情况,作为英语教育工作者,我们一直在探求提高英语教学效果的有效途径,比如如何针对中国学生英语学习的特点和规律,创新教材体系,激发学生和教师的积极性和主动性,营造艮好的语言实践环境,促进学生语言综合运用能力的提高。“新空间大学英语”系列教材就是为此所作的一次尝试。  “新空间大学英语”系列教材编写依据是教育部《全国大学英语教学基本要求(课程标准)》,同时参考教育部《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,并根据发展的需要有一定的前瞻性。  “新空间大学英语”系列教材的对象为大学本科、专科院校非英语专业对英语综合应用能力要求较高的专业及高职高专英语专业等相关专业。  “新空间大学英语”系列教材从中国学生的实际出发,注重培养学生的扎实语言技能,全面提高学生的英语综合运用能力。将英语阅读和交际性相结合,正确处理听、说、读、写、译的关系,听说与读写并重,强调英语教学应从实际出发,博采众长,讲究实效。  “新空间大学英语”系列教材的编写吸收了当代语言学和教学理论研究的最新成果,它是一套开放性的、立体式的现代化教材。其《综合教程》在词汇量等方面略有超越,选取有一定难度的文章来激发学生的学习热情,增加学生的语感,为启发学生深入思考提供充裕的素材,帮助学生提高阅读能力、分析和解决问题的能力。《泛读教程》选材难度控制严格,有助于提高学生的阅读速度,扩大学生的知识面,增强其对英语国家文化的了解。《听说教程》以系统的训练方法帮助学生打牢听说基础,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的整体语言水平。“新空间大学英语”系列教材在教学理念方面走的是综合创新之路,使教师在教学上有更大的弹性,有助于发挥教师的潜力,培养教师的创造力,为教师施展才能提供了广阔的空间,创造出各种新颖的教学法。


《泛读教程》是“新空间大学英语”系列教材的主干教材之一。全套教材共四册,可供四个学期使用。 本教材具有较强的针对性,无论是选材还是练习的编排都充分考虑到教学要求和学生的特点。所选材料难度适中,短小精干,便于老师课堂操作和学生课上课下阅读;同时强调趣味性,所选文章贴近学生生活。反映学生感兴趣的话题,能够比较充分地调动学生阅读的热情;同时也注意将不同的文体和题材包括其中,使学生对不同类型的文体和话题有所接触,为他们在今后的就业中很快适应实际工作打好基础。 课后练习形式上注重多样性和趣味性。每个单元除了配有检查学生阅读理解的传统练习,还配有形式新颖的词汇巩固和扩展练习、文化知识练习、任务型练习等。词汇巩固和扩展练习将课文中重点词汇提出来操练.并从课文的题材出发,对相关词汇进行联想扩充,比较好地处理了阅读和词汇量积累之间的关系;任务型练习则有助于开发学生的创新思维能力,加深对所学语言知识的记忆,提高课下自主阅读的积极性。在练习中还融入了很多文化知识,有助于在提高学生理解能力的同时,扩大学生的知识面,增强对英语国家文化的了解。


  王炳炎,1951年出生,湖南长沙人,广州美术学院国画系毕业,教授,中国美术家协会会员,中国當代工筆画协会会员,湖南省工筆画协会副会长,湖南省工筆画艺委会副主任,湖南省中国画艺委会委员,湖南书画院特聘画家。  作品《勝似親人》获全国第六届美术作品展览银牌奖,中国美术馆收藏,同时被编入全国小学第五册语文教科书,并配了课文,参加中国现代美术赴前苏联展出。《黄金路》获全国首届職工美术、书法、摄影作品展览一等奖。《新嫁娘》获全国第三届工笔画大展三等奖;《三月三》获全国第二届少数民族美术作品展铜奖;《瀟湘女》获全国第八届美术作品展览优秀作品奖,中国美术馆收藏,多次获省展物、一等奖,《懐念》1996年被评为湖南省“五個一工程”奖;1997年被中国文聯评为中国画壇百杰画家。作品曾参加全国第六、八、九、十届美展,曾数次在长沙、苏州、深圳,北京等地举办個展和联展。先后在《美术觀察》、《人民日报》、《国画家》等国家重要刊物发表多篇论文,個人出版有《百杰画家王炳炎作品集》、《名家技法优选——现代工笔人物画》。作品和傅略被《中国美术五十年》、《中国工笔画19001997》、《中国美术全集》、《中国美术年鉴》、《美术辭林》、《當代中国画》、《中国當代书法家大辞典》和日本出版的《中国美术优秀作品展作品集》等出版物介绍。


Unit 1  Text Message  Text A No   Text Please, We Are Americans  Text B Mobile Classroom  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading Using SMS to End RelationshipsUnit 2  The Little Prince  Text A The Pilot and the Little Prince  13  Text B The Little Prince Visits the Conceited Man and the Businessman  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading The Little Prince Befriends the FoxUnit 3  Healthcare  Text A Scotland to Go Smoke-free to Shake "Sick Man" Tag  Text B Why the Brain Needs a Break  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading Smoking Can Kill in Middle AgeUnit 4  Tourism  Text A An Egyptian in Paris  Text B Touring London: A Piece of Blog  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading Welcome to Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom!  "Unit 5  Business Letters  Text A Letters for Establishing Trade Relations  Text B Letters for Better Customer Relations  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading Letters for Complaints and ClaimsUnit 6  World Trade  Text A International Trade  Text B History of World Trade  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading Fur Trading in North AmericaUnit 7  Life and Death  Text A  A Reason for Living  Text B A Telegram  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading Hard Rock MapleUnit 8  The Mummy's Curse  Text A The Mummy's Curse  Text B Making a Mummy  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading The Mummy MysteryUnit 9  Education  Text A  "A" is for Average Not achievement or accomplishment or All-American. Not anymore.  Text B Secrets of Straight-A Students  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading The Lady or the Tiger?Unit 10  Boys and Girls  Text A Fifteen  Text B The Girl in Gift Wrap  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading Love and Romance Bloominq at ConcordiaUnit 11  Religion  Text A Who Was Jesus?  Text B  Religion and Science  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading Story from the Bible: Noah's ArkUnit 12  William Shakesoeare  Text A William Shakespeare: The Greatest Writer in the English Language  Text B Who Wrote Shakespeare  Learning Activities  Supplementary Reading Shakespeare's StratfordKey to Some of the Exercises


  You see them on the buses, in the street, in pubs and clubs, even at the traffic lightsyoung people focused on their mobile phones while their fingers do the talking. Doctorateof Clinical Psychology graduate Natalie Robinson also saw them as a fascinating topic foiresearch.  “I was working in an adolescent counselling service at the time that I started theresearch, and a lot of the adolescents always spoke about “texting” their partners andfriends,“ Robinson recalls. “I also noticed that everywhere I went people were sendin~~text messages and I started to think about the reason they were using text messages so muchand whether it was because they felt it was less anxiety-provoking or less confrontational. “  The use of text messages by the world‘s youth has certainly increased exponentially inrecent years in Australia alone it is estimated that 250 million text messages are sent eachmonth, while eight million messages were sent on Valentine’s Day 2002 alone. Yet despitethese figures, and despite the important implications that the quality and stability ofinterpersonal relationships has been shown to have for psychological health and well being,little research has been done on text messaging in relationships up to now.  “I think that modern technology like the Internet and text messages have added a newdimension to communication between romantic partners,” Robinson says. “So far, therehas been a lot of research into the Internet and communication between romantic partnersbut not much on text messages——mostly just newspaper and magazine articles. “  Which led Robinson to undertake a study of the text message habits of around 100young adults, three-quarters of whom were first-year university students. All of thesubjects were in a dating relationship, or were engaged or married.  Participants not only completed a range of surveys designed to discover thedemographics of romantically-inclined text message senders, but also undertookquestionnaires to help Robinson analyse their texting behaviour at a more complex level.  ……



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