
出版时间:2004-8  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:牛亚军,师新民  页数:237  字数:282000  


《阅读与欣赏》是“21世纪研究生英语”系列教材的主干教材之一,是根据国家教育部(原国家教委)颁发的《非英语专业研究生英语(第一外语)教学大纲》的要求所编写的泛读教材,共分3册。1、2册供硕士阶段使用;第3册供博士阶段使用。  本教程1、2册各由16个单元组成。每单元又分成A,B两篇内容相关的课文。为方便学习,每课给出了生词表、音标、中文词义、课文注释和练习题。另外,课文的平均长度为1600字左右,每篇课文末尾均注明该课文的字数,便于读者掌握和检测阅读速度。


Unit 1 Text A How Fast Should a Person Read? Text B The Art of ListeningUnit 2 Text A Warming up to Words Text B The Culture Did ltUnit 3  Text A Light Shows of the Mind  Text B Who Owns IntelligenceUnit 4 Text A Curse of the Mummy Text B The Moral Development of ChildrenUnit 5 Text A Confucius and the Scholars Text B Chinese NumeralsUnit 6 Text A Injustice First Text B Hoist by His PolemicUnit 7 Text A Mothers with Another’S Eggs Text B Pregnancy and Pi l lsUnit 8  Text A The Way of Tea in Japan Text B  Caffeine and Women’S HealthUnit 9 Text A Superiority Complex Text B When Our Students Don’t Respect UsUnit 10 Text A Ethics in the Infosphere Text B The Existence of Different MoralsUnit 11 Text A The Hunt for Another Way Text B Letting Species DieUnit 12 Text A Rethinking Animals Text B Degrees of Animal ConcernUnit 13 Text A  Can Work Kill? Text B  Was There Something I Was Supposed to Do with My LifeUnit 14 Text A Medical Software Marvels(Ⅰ) Text B  MedicaI Software Marvels(Ⅱ)Unit 15 Text A Why We Are Addicted to Addiction Text B Dying to Be ThinUnit 16Key to Exercises



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