
出版时间:2003-7  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:李经伟 主编  页数:282  字数:382000  




Lesson 1   Text A What Makes a Leader? Text B Doing the Right ThingLesson 2   Text A The Soul of a Champion: A Letter to Michael Jordan Text B Do Heroes Exist?Lesson 3   Text A Christmas Dayin the Moming Text B My DadLesson 4  Text A The KeyS to Good BuSiness in the Future Text B Why IS Sony So SucceSsfulLesson 5   Text A TheAmefican Dream Text B Images in AdvertisementsLesson 6   Text A TrustNo One? Text B The Land0f the LoCkLesson 7   Text A  Albert Einstein TextB DiogenesLesson 8   Text A  If It Comes Back Text B  Roses for a DimeLesson 9   Text A  Art and Popular Culture Text B  Art and ScienceLesson 10  TextA  Entropy Text B  We'reToo Busy forIdeasLesson 11   Text A  How English Glorifies Maleness Text B  Colorful, C0!ored and Colorless WordsLesson 12  Text A  A New Literacy  Text B  Educational Useof Virtual RealityGlossary



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