
出版时间:2004-5-1  出版社:西安交通大学出版社  作者:白松等  页数:288  字数:403000  


本书分上、下两册,每册十个单元。每个单元有主课文一篇,副课文两篇。      本书所采用的材料尽可能关照新闻与传播领域的主要层面并力求反映相关领域研究的重要成果与最新成果:每个单元有一个主题,上册的十个单元基本可以概括为十个主题:      (1)何谓新闻、新闻的发展历程与未来;      (2)新闻真实性问题;      (3)新闻与社会;      (4)新闻与信息时代;      (5)新闻记者的角色与职业化问题;      (6)新闻与法规;      (7)新闻教育问题;      (8)公营媒体问题;      (9)新闻节目与频道的全球影响力问题;      (10)传统媒体的生存问题。      我们希望这30篇文章能帮助新闻专业的学生了解国外新闻传播界所关心的重要问题及相应观点。


Unit 1 A Defining Century in Ameri  Text A  In Times Square, Crowds Savor a Historic Moment, Giveor Take 30 Hours Revelers Get a Head Star on Year 2000 Celebraton Text B  Here' s to the New MillenniumUnit 2 The War against America--the National Defen Text A  Awaiting the Aftershocl~:Washington and Nation Plunge into  Fight with Enemy Hard to Identify and Punish Text B  The War against America: an Unfathomable AttackUnit 3  Bush Is Declared Winner in Florida GoVow to Contest Results Text A  Hearing Too Much and Learning Too Little Text B  Democracy in America: an Election That Has Exposed the Need for Reform Unit 4 Between Wary Presidents Signs of Bonding Text A  Clinton's Dream Media Opportunity Text B  Clinton Enjoys Radio Stint: No Violence, Drugs or Sex...83Unit 5 In Shock, Loathmg, Denial:“This Doesn't Happen Here” Text A  Mary Lee' s Vision Text B  The Boy behind the MaskUnit 6 Romantic Dream of Manned Space Flight Is Definitely Over Text A  NASA Cut or Delayed Safety Spending Text B  NASA Cut or Delayed Safety Spending (continued) LJnit 7 Not a Dove, But N0 Longera Hawk Text A  Not a Dove, But No Longer a Hawk (continued)  Text B  Not a Dove, But No Longer a Hawk (continued)Unit 8 The Bombing of 43,000Civlians and its Reasons Text A  Free China' s Capital and What It Symbolizes Text B  The First Weeks of War and the Situation in CologneUnit 9 Human Intervintion Breaks Ancient Rhythm Text A  The Truth about the Environment Text B  The Truth about the Environment (continued)Unit 10    A  Today and Tomorrow  B  James Reston of The Times Text A  His Thought and Writings Are Very Much Alive Today Text B James Reston, a Journalist Nonpareil, Dies at 86Appendix Ⅰ Reference Translation of the Main TextsAppendix Ⅱ Key to the ExercisesAppendix Ⅲ TapescriptsAppendix Ⅳ Glossary



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