出版时间:2010-12 出版社:西北大学出版社 作者:魏水利 页数:176 字数:257000
Unit One: Love
Passage A: Love Is a Telephone
Passage B: Love Is Just a Thread
Unit Two: Job Hunting
Passage A: Standing out in an Interview
Passage B: Why Am I not Employed?
Unit Three: Reflectio on Life
Passage A: About Life
Passage B: The Story of life
Unit Four: Culture
Passage A: Stages of Adjustment
Passage B: Causes and Symptoms of Culture Shock
Unit Five: Internet
Passage A: Know the Risks--Privacy Invasio
Passage B: Itant Messaging
Unit Six: Reading
Passage A: Feed Your Mind
Passage B: How to Read a Book
Unit Seven: Environmental Protection
Passage A: To Live or to Die
Passage B: Dealing with Growth
Unit Eight: Dream and Ambition
Passage A: If the Dream Is Big Enough
Passage B: Ambition