
出版时间:2011-8  出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社  作者:张学君,周之南 主编  页数:305  




 Unit One Oral English
 Unit Two Friendship
 Unit Three Love
 Unit Four Family
 Unit Five Holiday
 Unit Six Food
 Unit Seven Dress
 Unit Eight Accommodation
 Unit Nine Sports
 Unit Ten Music
 Unit Eleven E-life
 Unit Twelve Health
 Unit Thirteen Education
 Unit Fourteen Studying Overseas
 Unit Fifteen Success and Failure


插图:"Applying for foreign universities should be a chance to train high school graduates ancl toprovide opportunities for them to explore their options," explains Fiona Yu, a Chinese teacher at theInternational School of Beijing. ".However, there are too many outside resources that interfere in tlusprocess. [They] basically provide services that will help students complete aU the pieces ofinformation they need to apply for foreign universities. They even help them write their resume,undennining the original objective of college application."These agencies have a large influence over the schools that students select. The universityrankings that they provide and the schools that they advertise to the students basically determine the list of universities that the students look into. The advertisements also imply that the schools knowthe "secrets" to adnussion into top these top universities, which attract many parents. Most Chineseparents highly value these rankings, which further emphasizes how significant it is for a Chinesestudent to graduate with a degree from a top college, giving them an advantage in their job search.Even students studying at top Clunese universities are attracted to opportunities in the U. S.Dante Lai, an undergraduate attending Peking Uruversity, talks of wanting to go abroad. He stayedin China because his college entrance exam score got him into one of China's top schools, but hesays "studying in a famous university in the U.S." is still one of his dreams.



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