
出版时间:2011-4  出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社  作者:刘晓丹,黄芙蓉 主编  页数:214  




Unit 1 How to Give a Great Presentation?
Part A Academic Perspective
Part B Graph Description
Part C National Symbols
Unit 2 Selfintroduction
Part A Academic Perspective
Part B Paraphrasing
Part C Philosophy and Religions
Unit 3 Introduction of a Speaker
Part A Academic Perspective
Part B Academic Paper vs. Academic Presentation
Part C Architecture
Unit 4 Opening Remarks
Part A Academic Perspective
Part B Oneminute Talk
Part C Food Culture
Unit 5 Laboratories
Part A Academic Perspective
Part B A Process Description
Part C Clothing
Unit 6 Conference Promo
Part A Academic Perspective
Part B Summary
Part C Transportation
Unit 7 Speeches on Special Occasions
Part A Academic Perspective
Part B Numbers
Part C Wedding, Baby Shower and Funerals
Unit 8 A Seminar
Part A Academic Perspective
Part B Short Term Memory Training
Part C Holidays
Unit 9 English Speaking Tests
Test 1 Speaking Test of IELTS
Test 2 Speaking Test of TOEFL
Test 3 Speaking Test of BEC Higher
Test 4 Speaking Test of PETS 5


  A presentation is a form of communication with an audience. The objective of a presentation is to transmit information or opinions to an audience in your own words, within a limited amount of time.  There are three types of presentations according to their purpose: to inform, to persuade, and to build goodwill.  With an informative presentation, you may be teaching your audience about something, you may be talking about a death-defying experience, or you could be describing your business to your leads group. Whatever your subject is, your primary goal is to deliver a speech or presentation that is descriptive. Your objective is not to sell anything or persuade anyone. It is merely to teach or inform. Informative presentations include talks, seminars, proposals, workshops, conferences, and meetings where the presenter or presenters share their expertise, and information is exchanged.  With the persuasive presentation, your reason for speaking is to persuade your audience to agree with you. While this category may deal with an idea, a theory, or a product, your objective is to have your audience understand and agree with your point of view. Persuasive presentations are often motivational. Whatever your motivation with the persuasive presentation, it is of utmost importance that you are convincing. Your success will be determined by how effectively you can sway your audience to see the story your way.  ……



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