出版时间:2008-8 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社 作者:张卫东 页数:336 字数:470000
本书不是“史书”,没有长篇的叙事,它只是以历史为线索突出介绍西方文化史中的重要历史时期、重大事件、重大思想流派和重要人物;重点介绍在每个特定的历史阶段中,西方社会在哲学、宗教、思想、制度、文学、艺术、科技等方面所取得的重大成就;探讨西方为什么能在15世纪后飞速发展,其物质成就中有多少是以它的文化积淀获取的。 本书从内容到形式力图做到融知识性、趣味性和可读性为一体。 在使用本书的过程中,希望读者能正确地认识、理解和对待西方文化。尤其是对于西方的政治制度和思想舆论要客观地分析、冷静地审视。要从文化地域性、多元性角度进行理解。本书可作为高等学校大学英语的选修课教材。本书也适合于具有一定英语水平的西方文化爱好者阅读。
Chapter One Greek Culture : Origin of Western Clvilization PART A Greek Culture 1.1.1 General Introduction 1.1.2 Influence of Ancient Greek Culture PART B Greek Literature 1.2.1 Homer's Epics in Early Greece 1.2.2 Mythology in Greece 1.2.3 Drama in Greece PART C Greek Philosophy 1.3.1 General Introduction 1.3.2 Famous Philusophers PARTD Greek Art and Science 1.4.1 Art in Greece 1.4.2 Science in GreeceChapter Two Roman Culture PART A History PART B Culture AchievementsChapter Three Jewish Culture and the Old Testament PART A Judaism and the Old Testament PART B The Ancestors and States of Israel PART C Zionism an Its Cultural Connotation PART D Cultural Achievements of the JewsChapter Four Christian Culture and the New Testament PART A Historical and Cultural Backgrounds PART B The New Testament PART C A Brief History of the Early Church PART D Beyond the New Testament PeriodChapter Five The Middle Ages PART A Europe and Its Politics PART B The Church PART C The Crusades PART D Dante and the Divine Comedy PART E Scholasticism: Aquinas and Anselm PART F The Establishment of Banking and UniversitiesChapter Six Renaissance and Reformation PART A Renaissance PART B Uterature and Art PART C Political and Social Ideology PART D Science and Technology and Philosophy PART E The Religious ReformationChapter Seven Age of Enlightenment PART A Enlightenment: the Age of Reason PART B Revolutionary Era PART C English Literature PART D Art PART E Music Chapter Eight Passionate Romanticism PART A Ceneral Introduction PART B The Origin of the Romantic Ideological Trend PART C Romantic Philosophy and Social Thought PART D Romantic Poems of Nature and Humanity in English PART E Emotion and Freedom in Romantic MusicChapter Nine The Industrialized Realism PART A General Introduction PART B Realism in Literature PART C Realism in Painting PART D Realism in Architecture and SculptureChapter Ten Modernism: New Perspective Denying Tradition PART A Modernist Culture: Surpassing and Innovation PART B Modernist Ideology and Philoeophy PART C Modemist Literature PART D Modernist AchievementsReferences