
出版时间:2005-9  出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版社发行部  作者:郭婷  页数:200  字数:235000  


本书是一本内容全面、实用性强的旅游英语教材。全书共10个单元,主要包括:预定机票、海关、娱乐活动、邮政局、酒店服务、家外之家、中国美食、中国茶、观光、旅游购物等方面的内容。  本书可作为高等学校旅游管理及相关专业的教材,也适合于旅游业人员自修、培训及英语专业学生泛读使用。


Unit1 Flight Ticket Reservation  TextA:Air Travel  Dialogues   Exereises  TextB:The Airlines   TextC:Other Means of TransportationUnit2 The Customs  TextA: At the Customs  Dialogues  Exercises  TextB: Passport and Visa  TextC: Customs InspectionUnit3 Rereational Activities  TextA:Modem Lofe  Dialogue  Exercises  TextB:Traditional Chinese Festivals   TextC:Holidays in the U.S.Unit4 Post Office  TextA: Postal and Telephone Serviscs  Dialogues  Exercises  TextB: How did Stamps Come into Use  TextC: Modem CommunicationUnit5 Hotel Services  TextA:Hotel Services  Dialogues  Exercies  TextB: Housekeeping Development  TextC: The  Small County InnUnit6 Home Away From HomeUnit7 Typical Chinese CuisineUnit8 Chinese TeaUnit9 Singhtseeting Unit10 Tourist Shopping APPENDIX1 Key to the ExercisesAPPENDIX2 Chinese Translation of Texts A(Unit1-Unit10)APPENDIX3 GlossaryAPPENDIX4 Internaltional AirlinesAPPENDIX5 Hotel Organizations ChartAPPENDIX6 Chinese Scenic Spots


版权页:   插图:   Unit 1 Flight Ticket Reservation Study structure Text A (Intensive Reading):Air Travel Dialogues New Words and Expressions Exercises Text B (Extensive Reading):The Airlines Text C (Supplementary Reading):Other Means of Transportation Summary of the Text Air travel is closely connected with airplanes with rapiddevelopment of the airline industry.Besides air travel,many othermeans of transportation provide tourists with mere options. Text A Air Travel Airplane has become very common for long distance travel.Now,more andmore people would like to take airplanes on their trips because air travel is fast andquite safe.Airlines have great influence on the service of air travel in manyrespects. An airline,especially an international one,is a huge organization with manycomplex functions.There are tickets and reservations agents,airport passengerservice personnel,cargo personnel,mechanics,catering service personnel,theflight crew,the flight service crew and so on. The captain,or pilot,is in charge of the whole flight from start to finish,justlike the captain of a ship.He is helped by the first officer who is second incommand.There is also a pilot and flight engineer who is responsible for thefunctioning of all mechanics equipment.In the case of long—range flights,there maybe an additional pilot,called a second officer.The flight crew performs its functionsin the cockpit of the plane.Therefore,the passengers hardly see this part of thecrew,though the captain may speak to them over the loudspeaker system.Heusually says hello to them soon after takeoff and then gives them information aboutgeographic places of interest and weather conditions during the flight.





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