
出版时间:2002-5  出版社:哈尔滨工业大学出版  作者:孟庆元  页数:252  


  《力学专业英语》从应力和应变的基本概念开始,介绍了有关静力学、动力学、弹性力学、塑性力学、材料力学行为和机理、计算和实验方法、断裂和疲劳、计算机以及民用和空间技术等诸多领域的专业知识,选材广泛,内容精练。  《力学专业英语》适合于工程力学及其他相关专业的大学本科生或研究生作专业英语教材,也可作为科技人员提高英语水平的阅读材料。




Lesson 1  Stress and StrainLesson 2  Tensile Stress-strain BehaviorLesson 3  Torsion of A Circular BarLesson 4  Deflections of BeamsLesson 5  Gravitation in the UniverseLesson 6  Equilibrium of Rigid BodiesLesson 7  Newton's Laws of MotionLesson 8  The Planar Motion of A Rigid BodyLesson 9  Theorems of Particle DynamicsLesson 10  Vibrations of A Single ParticleLessson 11  Stress Equilibrium and CompatibilityLesson 12  Elastic Constitutive RelationsLesson 13  Stress ConcentrationsLesson 14  Buckling of ColumnsLesson 15  What Are Dynamic Problems?Lesson 16  General Description of WaveLesson 17  Potential Energy MethodLesson 18  Principle of Virtual WorkLesson 19  Introduction to Computer HardwareLesson 20  Introduction to Computer SoftwareLesson 21  Metallic MaterialsLesson 22  Nonmetallic MaterialsLesson 23  Composite MaterialsLesson 24  Behavior of Composite MaterialsLesson 25  Basic Deformations of MaterialsLesson 26  Failure Modes of MaterialsLesson 27  Plastic Behavior of A Tensile BarLesson 28  Yield CriteriaLesson 29  Plastic Flow RuleLesson 30  Plastic Limit AnalysisLeson 31  Mechanisms of Elastic DeformationLesson 32  Mechanisms of Plastic DeformationLesson 33  Finite Element MethodLesson 34  Programming A Problem SolutionLesson 35  Experimental TechniquesLesson 36  PhotoelasticityLesson 37  Fracture of Brittle MaterialsLesson 38  Linear Elastic Fracture MechanicsLesson 39  Ductile. FractureLesson 40  Fatigue in MetalsLesson 41  Time-Dependent Deformation in SolidsLesson 42  Viscous Behavior of PolymersLesson 43  Creep in MetalsLesson 44  Friction and Wear of MaterialsLesson 45  Basic Equations of Fluid MechanicsLesson 46  Civil EngineeringLesson 47  The AirplanesLesson 48  Communications SatellitesLesson 49  Travel into Outer SpaceLesson 50  Course of Mechanics in UMIST参考文献






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用户评论 (总计4条)


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  •   还可以,凑单买的,也并不是特别需要,学多了这些词自然就会了
  •   我认为这是力学专业英语中很好的一个版本了
  •   力学的教材,嗯,,还好

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