
出版时间:2005-8  出版社:哈工大  作者:施平  页数:338  字数:280000  




1 Machine Components and Design 1. Couplings, Clutches, Shafts and Springs 2. Lubrication 3. Machine Tool Frames 4. Threaded Fasteners 5. Turbine Engine Bearings for Ultra-High Temperatures 6. Engineering Graphics 7. Working Drawings 8. Engineering Design 9. Engineering Design and Safety Factors 10. Mechanical Design 11. Product Liability Prevention 12. Responsibility, Liability, and Litigation2 Machine Tools and Machining 13. Grinding Machines 14. Lathes 15. Motors and Drivers 16. Electric Drives 17. Machine Tool Motors 18. Machining 19.Numerical Control 20.Choice of Manual or CNC Machine Tools 21.Hard—Part Machining with Ceramic Inserts  22.Nontraditional Manufacturing Process 23.Design Considerations for NC Machine Tools3  QLlality and Productivity 24.Quality in Manufacturing 25.Quality in the Modem Business Environment 26.Design and Manufacturing Tolerances 27.Product Reliability Requirements  28.Product Reliability 29.Productivity in Manufacturing 30.Taking a Chance on Teams 31.Employees Take Charge of Their Jobs 32.Accelerating Development with Acquired Technology4  Manufacturing and Automarlon 33.Careers in Manufacturing  34.Numerical Control Software 35.Computers in Manufacturing 36.Automated Assembly Equipment Selection 37.Motion Contml Advances Assembly 38.Shortcuts to the Design of Precision Tooling 39.Versatility of Modular Fixturing 40.Product Design for Manufacture and Assemblv  41.Design for Manufacturing  42.Determining the Cost of a Product5 Modern Manufacturing Engineering and Development6  EducationGlossary



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