
出版时间:2011-10  出版社:崔雅萍 吉林大学出版社 (2011-11出版)  作者:崔雅萍  页数:250  






前言 《红色英勇勋章》 1.作家简介 2.作品简介与评析 3.作品(节选) 《喧嚣与骚动》 1.作家简介 2.作品简介与评析 3.作品(节选) 《尤利西斯》 1.作家简介 2.作品简介与评析 3.作品(节选) 《雅各布的房间》 1.作家简介 2.作品简介与评析 3.作品(节选) 《到灯塔去》 1.作家简介 2.作品简介与评析 3.作品(节选)


版权页:   A man near him who up to this time had been working feverishly at hisrifle suddenly stopped and ran with howls. A lad whose face had borne anexpression of exalted courage, the majesty of he who dares give his life, was,at an instant, smitten abject. He blanched like one who has come to the edgeof a cliff at midnight and is suddenly made aware. There was a revelation.He, too, threw down his gun and fled. There was no shame in his face. Heran like a rabbit. Others began to scamper away through the smoke. The youth turned hishead, shaken from his trance by this movement as if the regiment was leavinghim behind. He saw the few fleeting forms. He yelled then with fright and swung about. For a moment, in the greatclamor, he was like a proverbial chicken. He lost the direction of safety.Destruction threatened him from all points. Directly he began to speed toward the rear in great leaps. His rifle andcap were gone. His unbuttoned coat bulged in the wind. The flap of hiscartridge box bobbed wildly, and his canteen, by its slender cord, swung outbehind. On his face was all the horror of those things which he imagined. The lieutenant sprang forward bawling. The youth saw his featureswrathfully red, and saw him make a dab with his sword. His one thought ofthe incident was that the lieutenant was a peculiar creature to feel interested insuch matters upon this occasion. He ran like a blind man. Two or three times he fell down. Once heknocked his shoulder so heavily against a tree that he went headlong. Since he had turned his back upon the fight his fears had beenwondrously magnified. Death about to thrust him between the shoulder bladeswas far more dreadful than death about to smite him between the eyes. Whenhe thought of it later, he conceived the impression that it is better to view theappalling than to be merely within hearing. The noises of the battle were likestones; he believed himself liable to be crushed.






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  •   我很后悔买了 不知道要不要退货 都是英文的 除了简介是中文的!!

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