
出版时间:2010-12  出版社:吉林大学  作者:张欣//朱国艳  页数:274  




  张欣  教育类图书撰稿人。曾任北京科技职业学院航空服务学院教师,在校任职期间,工作认真负责,多次获得“优秀辅导员”称号。近年来,出版多部教育类图书——《法国中小学教育特色与借鉴》、《高一英语备课素材》《全日制版)等。


Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?Footprints OnlyGood OrderClinton Afraid to Be LateImpolite Questions for ForeignersCulture Differences英国历史和文化世界名都趣话The Star-Spangled Banner加拿大习俗拾零城市别称英文名你了解美国吗?china与ChinaAmerican Social CustomsThe Rule of GiftsIntercultural CommunicationUnit 2 Wheres the post office?The Gift of Life英语国家交通标志各国气象名城Can You Tell Me How to Get There?特别的圣诞节Asking for DirectionsMap would help!中外文化差异与礼仪英语中的酒文化Whats in a name?汉语俗语英译20句Home美国的饮食Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?The Rabbit西方迷信中的猫The Elephant含有十二生肖的习语与动物名称有关的谚语含动物名称的习语英译动物成语LionOur Biggest Friend on LandSeeking for the Animals NoveltiesWolves Are Like ThatHumans and PetsElephantElephantsGiant pandasAn Unknown Dance动物习语大联欢Dolphins趣话“DOG”趣话动物节Pets美国宠物有关动物的谚语集锦……Unit 4 I want to be an actor.Unit 5 Im watching TV.Unit 6 Its raining!Unit 7 What does he look like?Unit 8 Id like some noodles.Unit 9 How was your weekend?Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?Unit 11 What do you think of game Shows?Unit 12 Dont eat in class


  In the lace of this sharp criticism, Mr. Clinton was careful to attend future meetings on time. But a few months later, he was late again. Of course, it did not escape the attack of the press. Articles such as "Look at This Guy - late Again" topped the papers again.  Is this sort of relentless criticism of the president s tardiness too tough ? Isn t it a little too fussy to complain about the busy president s occasional tardiness? Americans dont think so.  America is a society on a schedule. Whether it s a personal appointment or a public conference, the starting time should be exact. Those who are late are often considered lazy and inconsiderate and they lose the trust of others. In personal relationships, a friend may be lost, in business, an opportunity.  The reason why American are so concerned about time is that time is connected to efficiency. In the fast pace of America, people fill their schedules to the limit.  Nobody can patiently wait for half an hour beyond the designated time, because the next item on the timetable would be affected. Being late means losing opportunities and diminishing efficiency.  For purposes of my visit to the United States, my American friends planned my schedule as they would do. Sometimes, in one day there would be two meetings in the morning and two meetings in the afternoon. And these meetings were not at the same place; there were considerable distances between appointments.  After one meeting, | had to get to the next one within half an hour. Once 1 got there, we would exchange "hellos" and then plunge right into the topic at hand without much additional greeting. During the talk, we all looked at our watches now and then in order to determine what other subjects we would discuss in the remaining time.


  《教师备课参考:英语(7年级下)(配人教版)(博达教师用书)》丰富而广播的内容,让您的教学得心应手;生动且翔实的素材,让您的课堂生机勃勃。  给学生一杯水,教师自身要有一桶水。请您在《教师备课参考:英语(7年级下)(配人教版)(博达教师用书)》中找到您需要的“水”吧!



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