
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:吉林大学出版社  作者:谭颖琦,任长春 著  页数:124  


  本书是针对非英语专业学生的专业英语(科技英语)学习而编写的,使学生从大学英语基础阶段顺利过渡到专业英语学习阶段。国家教委一直强调各高等院校抓好专业英语教学工作,但是农、林、医、文、理、工各专业名目繁多,因此寻求各专业英语的共同特点、研究其翻译和阅读方法成为编写本书的突破口。  本书分为四个单元:  第一单元为英语语音突破。此单元从音标、语音、读音规则和英美读音差异等内容对英语语音作了归纳和总结。  第二单元为英语语法突破。对于专业英语文献,编者认为读懂文献的关键是语法。编者根据自己多年的教学经验编写了本书的语法单元,引用大量的示范例句诠释构词法和句型,本着易读、易记、易查的原则,帮助读者快速解决阅读和翻译中遇到的问题。  第三单元为专业英语翻译方法突破。本单元从专业英语的特点分析翻译标准及过程,归纳了关于数和数学表达式的英文翻译的方法。  第四单元为专业英语阅读突破。本单元精选了十篇英文原版科技文章作为讲解范例,内容涵盖汽车、机电、计算机、电子、医学、电子商务、工商管理、旅游等专业。




UNIT I:Breakthrough in English PhoneticsI.English Phonetic AlphabetⅡ.English PhoneticsⅢ.English PronunciationIV.Difference of British & AmericaUNIT II:Breakthrough in English GrammarI.Words RuleⅡ.Sentence FormⅢ.Sentence AnalysisUNIT III:Breakthrough in Specialty English Translation SMIII.TranslationⅡ.Specialty EnglishⅢ.Standard of TranslationIV.Step of TranslationV.Translation for NumberVI.English for Decimal SystemⅦ.Math ExpressionⅧ.PractiseUNIT IV:Breakthrough in Specialty English ReadingsLesson 1 Automobiles1.1 TEXT1.2 DIALOGUE1.3 Words and Expressions1.4 Exercise:Translate the Following ParagraphsLesson 2 What Is Robot?2.1 TEXT2.2 Words and Expressions2.3 Notes2.4 Exercise:Translate the Following ParagraphsLesson 3 Windows 0perating System3.1 TEXT3.2 DIALOGUE3.3 Words and Expressions3.4 Exercise:Translate the Following ParagraphsLesson 4 What is E-mail and HOW to Use It4.1 TEXT4.2 DIALOGUE4.3 Exercise: Translate the Following ParagraphsLesson 5 E-business and E-commerce5.1 TEXT5.2 DIALOGUE5.3 Words and Expressions5.4 Exercise: Translate the Following ParagraphsLesson 6 Discovery Could Ease Blood Shortages in Hospitals6.1 TEXT6.2 Words and Expressions6.3 Exercise. Translate the Following ParagraphsLesson 7 At CIMT7.1 TEXT7.2 Words and Expressions7.3 Notes7.4 Exercise: Translate the Following ParagraphsLesson 8 What Is Tourism?8.1 TEXT8.2 Words and Expressions8.3 Notes8.4 Exercise: Translate the Following ParagraphsLesson 9 Circuit concepts9.1 TEXT9.2 Words and Expressions9.3 Notes9.4 Exercise: Translate the Following ParagraphsLesson 10 The Job Interview10. 1 TEXT10.2 Words and ExpressionsI0.3 Notes10.4 Exercise: Translate the Following ParagraphsReferences


  The Internet and World Wide Web have greatly affected the way most of us live and do business. One of the biggest changes in the last year or two is the amount of business being transacted online. Frequently named as the fastest growing sector of the Internet economy, Web-based e-commerce (electronic commerce ) ——the act of doing business transactions over the Internet or similar technology——is redefining the way businesses operate and compete in the 21st century. It has been estimated that over 50,000 U. S. companies make some or all of their money online, and over a trillion dollars of Internet-based revenue annually is expected shortly. In addition, the Web influences offline sales, such as the scores of consumers who research purchases they eventually make offline.



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