
出版时间:2009-11  出版社:吉林大学出版社  作者:张玉芳  页数:182  








Chapter One: Introduction  1.1  The Trigger of the Present Study: the Incongruity between Speech Practice and Speech Criticism   1.1.1  The Wax of Speech Practice   1.1.2  The Wane of Speech Criticism  1.2  The General Purpose of the Present Research  1.3  Terminology, Theoretical Resources, and Methodology in This Study   1.3.1  The Terminology in the Study   1.3.2  The Theoretical Resources for This Study   1.3.3  The Methodology in This Study  1.4  The Organization of the DissertationChapter Two: Literature Review: Critical Study of the Rhe-torical Criticism and Discourse Analysis of Speech  2.1  Rhetorical Criticism of Speech   2.1.1  Speaker-centered Criticism   2.1.2  Ideology-or-motive-fascinated Criticism   2.1.3  Effect-driven Criticism   2.1.4  Context-oriented Criticism   2.1.5  Critic-determined Criticism   2.1.6  General Summary of Rhetorical Criticism of Speech  2.2  Discourse Analysis of Speech   2.2.1  Intra-textual Micro-linguistic Analysis   2.2.2  Extra-textual Macro-linguistic Analysis   2.2.3  Combination of Intra-textual with Extra-textual Analyses : Critical Linguistic Analysis (CLA) and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)   2.2.4  General Summary of Discourse Analysis of Speech  2.3  SummaryChapter Three: The Theoretical Justification for the Present Study  3.1  Why Can We Understand Speech through Symbolic Interaction?   3.1.1  Symbolic Interaction Represented in the Constituents of Speech   3.1.2  Symbolic Interaction Demonstrated in the Functions of Speech  3.2  The Theoretical Justification for Rhetorical Perspective   3.2.1  The Relationship between Speech and Rhetoric   3.2.2  The Study of Symbolic Interactions in Rhetoric  3.3  The Theoretical Justification for Linguistic Perspective   3.3.1  The Relationship between Speech and Linguistics   3.3.2  The Study of Symbolic Interactions in Linguistics  3.4  SummaryChapter Four: Symbolic Interaction from Rhetorical Perspective  4.1  Interaction by Means of Identification  4.2  Interaction on Account of Universal Audience and Universal Value  4.3  Interaction as a Result of "Rhetoric of Assent" and Rhetorology   4.3.1  Booth's Ethical View on Rhetoric   4.3.2  Rhetoric of Assent   4.3.3  Listening Rhetoric (LR) and Rhetorology   4.3.4  Inspiration for Speech Understanding  4.4  Interaction by Virtue of Argument  4.5  SummaryChapter Five: Symbolic Interaction from Linguistic Perspective  5.1  Intra-textual Interaction   5.1.1  Interaction in the Intentionality   5.1.2  Interaction in the Acceptability   5.1.3  General Summary  5.2  Extra-textual Interaction   5.2.1  Interaction in the Intertextuality   5.2.2  Interaction in the Inter-contextuality   5.2.3  General Summary  5.3  SummaryChapter Six: The Integrative Framework of Rhetoric and Linguistics for Understanding Speech as Symbolic Interaction  6.1  The Relationship between Rhetoric and Linguistics in Speech Criticism  6.2  An Integrative Three-dimensional Framework for Speech Understanding   6.2.1  Recovering the Context   6.2.2  Uncovering the Symbolic Power Relations between Speaker and Audience   6.2.3  Deconstructing the Speech-text  6.3  SummaryChapter Seven: Conclusion  7.1  Major Findings   7.1.1  Four Key Pairs of Relation   7.1.2  The Nature of Rhetorical Art: A Dual-process Identifying   7.1.3  Symbolic Power Relations between Speaker and Audience   7.1.4  Coined Terms : "Superspeaker," "Pre-text" and "Posttext,"  " Inter-contextuality,"  " Discursivity,"  and  " CON- TEXT"   7.2  Theoretical and Practical Contributions   7.2.1  Theoretical Contribution: The Integrative Three-dimensional Framework of Rhetoric and Linguistics for Understanding Speech as Symbolic Interaction   7.2.2  Practical Contributions : Speech Criticism, Audience Awareness, and Pedagogy  7.3  Limitations and Suggestions for Further ResearchWorks CitedList of Tables and Figures


According to Kenneth Burke, terminology directs our attention anddefines our observation (Language as Symbolic Action 44-52 ), and thusdetermines our interpretation of this world. Therefore, in order to direct theattention to this ongoing research field and to some channels rather than toothers, it is worthwhile making clear relevant terms, which will just"  themethod and conclusion of this research. SpeechFirst and foremost, it is our research object-speech. In this study, it refersto a special kind of discourse that consists of various symbolic interactions,through human beings in a given context,who address to and interact with eachother in order to achieve temporary agreement on the issue under consideration.This working definition needs some clarifications.In this definition, " discourse" refers to any communicative act or itsartifact, concerning process as well as product. The concept " symbolicinteraction" means interacting with symbols. But, what is symbol? Although inthe field of semiotics there is no consensus about the concept of symbol, fromlinguistics-based Saussure to philosophy-based Peirce, from anthropology-oriented L~vi-Strauss to culture-oriented Barthes, from psychology-drivenFreud and Lacan to philosophy-driven Cassirer, all of these prominentsemioticians have drawn similar conclusion about the characteristics ofsymbol: first, it is the medium between our interior spiritual world and theexterior physical world, through which our invisible and implicit feelings cancome to light; second, the relation between these two worlds, that is, itsmeaning, depends on convention and will be activated by psychologicalanalysis( Li Youzheng 485-87,514-15,521 -23,525-30).





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