
出版时间:1970-1  出版社:吉林大学出版社  作者:李铁军 编  页数:145  




Unit 1 How often do you exercise?Unit 2 What' s the matter?Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?Unit 4 How do you get to school?Unit 5 Can you come to my party?Unit 6 I'm more outgoing than my sisiter.Review of units 1-6Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?Unit 8 How was your school trip?Unit 9 When was he born?Unit 10 I'm going to be a basketball player.Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?Unit 12 What's the best radio station?Review of units 7-12参考答案


  2. I hope you soon.  A. see B. to see  C. seeing D. to seeing  3. We should to the teacher carefully in class.  A. listening B. to listen C. listens D. listen  4. Can you give me about my English?  A. some advices B. many advices  C. some advice D. an advice  5. There is still——time left. Please don't worry.  A. a few B. few C. a little D. little  6. Tom is a very careful student. He makes——mistakes in his homework.  A. a few B. few C. a little D. little  7. Do you think is important to have a balanced diet?  A. it B. that C. this D. what  8. ——I have a toothache.  ——You should  A. eat something B. have a rest  C. eat some chocolate D. see a dentist  9. Jim always——before exams.  A. gets stressing out B. gets stressed out  C. is stressed D. is stressing   ……





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