新黑马阅读 新目标英语阅读与写作训练 八年级英语

出版时间:2009-6  出版社:吉林大学出版社  作者:丛闻秋  页数:150  字数:199000  




1 Success Once is Enough
2 Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
3 My Friend-Lucy
4 A Week without TV
5 Four Ads
6 The Hills
7 Who Kicked a Goal?
8 New Year's Resolutions
9 Australia
10 Robots
11 Happiness
12 Mistakes are Just a Part of Life!
13 Stay-home Children
14 Get Ready for the Future
15 A Special Edition Stamp
16 Charlie Chaplin
17 Finding Information
18 The Best Time of My Life
19 Two Mistakes
20 Helen Keller
21 Texting
22 Joan's Change
23 A School Report
24 A New Pair of Shoes
25 The Beginning of Mozart's Life of Music
26 Early to Bed, Early to Rise
27 Two Weeks' Hiccups
28 International Radio - What's on?
29 A Christmas Present
30 New York VS Los Angeles
31 I am not a Bear
32 An Unforgettable Experience
33 Kathy's Morning
34 J. K. Rowling
35 Vacation Activities
36 In Two Places at the Same Time
37 A Lady or an Elephant
38 Two Students' Plans for Next Week
39 How to be Polite When Going to a Friend's House
40 The Teacup
41 Sending a Letter in a Bottle
42 From Lucy's Diary
43 Send Me the Earthquake
44 Information about Four Famous People
45 Will I be Able to Play the Piano?
46 What do You Like to do on Vacation?
47 The Cooking Pot
48 A Rude Officer
49 Bruce and Bruno's Trip on a Train
50 A Bird's Story
51 The Most Unforgettable Lesson
52 A Gold Axe
53 Text Messages on Emily's Phone
54 Believe that You wilt Succeed, and You will.
55 How do Bats Fly?
56 Cheating
57 A Forgettable Man
58 Don't Tell Anybody We Have Saved You
59 Find the Right Activity Places
60 Food Etiquette
61 A Brave Boy
62 Mr Johnson and His Neighbor
63 American Football
64 How will Computers Change Our Habits?
65 A Bad-tempered Boy and His Father
66 Life is Great if We Have Friends.
67 Problems and Advice
68 Walt Disney and Miekey Mouse
69 Reading with Glasses
70 Whose Chocolate?
71 Hong Kong Disneyland
72 A Pony




    新黑马阅读 新目标英语阅读与写作训练 八年级英语 PDF格式下载

用户评论 (总计12条)


  •   给儿子买的,他很喜欢呢。每天都会做练习,然后自己批改。希望对他有帮助。
  •   过段时间给孩子做
  •   真是一本好书,非常适合
  •   这个真不错,给孩子用的。内容丰富,提高英语水平。
  •   精选的文章,对孩子提高很有帮助。
  •   不好意思评价迟了,书的质量蛮好的,性价比高
  •   孩子要的课余时间做不错的课外教材
  •   不错,挺好的,很实用,下次还来。
  •   就是调库比较慢
  •   老师推荐买的,非常好。内容比较丰富。
  •   孩子从六年级这一册一路做上来,觉得对阅读有帮助。
  •   书里选的文章不错,适合娃娃阅读和提高

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