
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:陈琳,刘凤玲 编  页数:169  




Unit One CLassroom MannersListening and Speaking CLassroom EngLishReading CLassroom MannersWriting and TransLationGrammar The Parts of Speech anobParts of SentenceUnit Two Getting InformationListening and Speaking The Ways of Getting InformationReading Meet PeopLe on the InternetWriting and TransLationGrammar Verb FormsUnit Three Getting HeLpListening and Speaking Asking for HeLpReading Fire! Fire!Writing and TransLationGrammar Adjectives and AdverbsUnit Four Getting DirectionsListening and Speaking Asking the WayReading Getting LostWriting and TransLationGrammar The Basic Sentence PatternsUnit Five ShoppingListening and Speaking Tatking About ShoppingReading Shopping in AmericaWriting and TranstationGrammar The Present SimpLe Tense and Present Continuous TenseUnit Six HolidaysListening and Speaking Tatking About HolidaysReading Fathers DayWriting and TranslationGrammar The Past Simple Tense and Past Continuous TenseUnit Seven Science and LifeListening and Speaking The Future CarReading Smart CarsWriting and TranslationGrammar The Future TenseUnit Eight Failure and SuccessListening and Speaking How to Succeed in LifeReading How to Cope with FailureWriting and TranslationGrammar The Present Perfect TenseIrregutar Verb FormsGtossaryPhrases & Expressions



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