出版时间:2010-9 出版社:外语教研 作者:(英)布兰沙德//(美)迪克曼|主编:申立 页数:138
学习英语必须必解英美文化,因为语言是文化的组成部分,是文化的载体,两者息息相关。大景事实表明,语言理解的障碍往往不在语言结构本身,而要相关文化知识的缺乏。何谓文化从广义来说,文化是人类在社会和历史发展进程中创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,包括文学、艺术、音乐、科学、技术、哲学、地理、建筑等。从狭义来说,文化是人们的生活方式、风俗习惯、行为准则等。所有这些,都需要用语言表达。英语有句名言:想要掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化。(To be bilingual,one must be bicultural)英美文化对于广大的英语学习者的重要性可见一斑,而对于广大的一线英语教师来晓,如果能够掌握广博的英美文化,不仅能够提升自己的文化素养,能够更加准确、传神地讲述教材,取得较好的教学效果,还能够进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,扩展他们的国际视野。
丛书内容主题依据同家《英语课程标准》规定的话题和文化教学要求精心设计。 从英语学习者的角度阐释英美文化内涵,打破同类图书学术化、脸谱化的模式。 内容新颖,反映英美文化最新变迁;视角独特,从平民视角解读英美社会现象。 专业作家领衔编写,英美社会各界人士、熟稔英美文化的人士细述体验与感悟。
1 英美简介 英国简介 苏格兰概况 美国 英美的影响力2 国家领导人 著名的国王和女王 英国王室传统 英国王室 美国总统3 家庭 英国婚礼一日记 英国家庭生活 聚会时间 度假4 饮食 英国饮食 美国饮食 早餐时间 饮食与婚姻5 服饰 校服 服饰的历史 苏格兰短裙 美国时尚6 礼仪 切勿迟到! 入乡随俗 问候语 餐桌礼仪7 教育 英国校园生活 美国的学校 我在英国上学的第一天 夏令营8 体育 英国流行的体育运动 美国的热门体育运动 儿童游戏和运动 有趣的室内活动
Scotland is one of the four entities that make up theUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.The others are England, Wales and, of course, NorthernIreland. Although for centuries Scotland shared a queenand government with the rest of the United Kingdom, theScottish people have always felt that they are a separatenation from England. Scotlands own kings ruled untilthe year 1603 when a Scottish king was made the Englishking (James I). From that time there was only one king,who ruled from England, over both countries. In 1707 theScottish and English parliaments became one. But evenin these circumstances, Scottish affairs were dealt withby a separate department until almost 300 years laterwhen, in 1998, Scotland was granted a parliament of itsown again to deal with its internal affairs. This Scottishparliament still answers to the UK parliament as it cannotcollect its own taxes, but there are many Scottish peoplewho want to change that and who want Scotland tobecome an independent country once more.The Scottish landscape is mainly one of mountains andmoorland and open wetlands, inland lochs (the Scottishword for lakes) and beautiful rivers.
“British and American Culture Reader is not just an other series, but are flection of our society, a script being performed by the ordinary peoplein the two countries. Readers of this book will shake off some of the badstereotypes that they hold about Westerners and may be surprised to find how similar Westerners way of life is to their own in many ways.” ——Author and childrens Publisher “The Series will also give you insight into the differences between Britishand American culture looking at aspects such as the vocabulary, way of life, houses and the personal characteristics of the people of the secountries, as well as touching on other English-speaking countries.” ——Educational author