出版时间:2010-10 出版社:外语教研 作者:(英)麦卡弗蒂//(美)莫泽|主编:申立|译者:张华嵩 页数:181 译者:张华嵩
学习英语必须了解英美文化,因为语言是文化的组成部分,是文化的载体,两者息息相关。大量事实表明,语言理解的障碍往往不在语言结构本身,而在 相关文化知识的缺乏。何谓文化从广义来说,文化是人类在社会和历史发展进程中创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,包括文学、艺术、音乐、科学、技术、哲学、地理、建筑等。从狭义来说,文化是人们的生活方式、风俗习惯、行为准则等。所有这些,都需要用语言表达。英语有句名言:想要掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化。(To be bilingual,One must be bicultural.)英美文化对于广大的英语学习者的重要性可见一斑,而对于广大的一线英语教师来说,如果能够掌握广博的英美文化,不仅能够提升自己的文化素养,能够更加准确、传神地讲述教材,取得较好的教学效果,还能够进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,扩展他们的国际视野。 外研社基础教育分社经过长达四年的调查研究,广泛地听取了广大一线教师的意见,决定开发一套英美文化读本,以满足中小学英语教师的需求,并兼顾大专院校学生和一般读者的需求。为此,中方团队密切关注英美文化发展的最新态势,遵循国家《英语课程标准》的精神和中国学生学习英语的实际,提出选题方案,然后依据文章主题聘请各个领域的英美学者撰写书稿。在稿件完成后,中方专家又就内容和语言问题提出意见,请英美学者再进行修改和完善而成。
1 Entertainment 'Live' or 'on the big screen' Contemporary Western music. "It's like dreaming with your feet!" Life in a virtual world.2 Sports Sports in the UK Sports in the US Not 'hitting below the belt' when you're in a 'no-win situation' Sport as a billion dollar business3 Travel Around the Worm in Eighty Days Gap year experience Travel in the UK. Travel in the US4 Mass media Keeping on top of the news and the freedom of the press. The intemet and its impact Radio in the UK and the US Television in the UK and the US5 The English language Old, Middle and ModemEnglish . 'The Queen's English' or 'Brummy' British and American English Body language: a universal language'?6 Literatrue7 Arts8 Religion9 Government and Political thought10 Youth culture
An important reason for the changes inpronunciation and spelling in AmericanEnglish was the work of Noah Webster.He compiled the American Dictionary ofthe English Language published in 1828.He proposed that every letter in a wordshould be given its due proportion ofsound. Remember that because Englishderives from many other languages, oftenthe spelling of a word does not reflectthe phonetic sound of a word. This canbe very frustrating for people learningEnglish from a book. An example isthe word far. In British English onewould not pronounce the r at the endof the word. Websters suggestion in hisdictionary became the guideline usedby schools in America. Therefore whenAmericans pronounce the word far, theysound the r. Another example is wordslike secretary. In British English this ispronounced secretry i.e. the a is silent.As a result of Websters suggestions, inAtnerican English every vowel of thisword is pronounced and so the a isvery clearly pronounced when the wordsecretary is said.in the spelling of many words. For example,neighbour, rumour and labour becomeneighbor, rumor and labor in AmericanEnglish. This brings the spelling closer tothe phonetic sound of the word but furtheraway from its Latin or French roots (theseEnglish words with our at the end allderived from French or Latin). It is thesame with words of French or Latin originthat end in re in British English, forexample, theatre, litre and metre. They arespelt theater, liter and meter in AmericanEnglish. Another common difference isthat American spelling accepts usually only-ize endings in words such as organize,recognize, and realize. British usage tendsto prefer the more French-looking -ise(organise, recognise, realise). Some wordsof Greek origin, for example, dialogue orcatalogue are spelled without the ue anthe end in American English. Again this isto make them more phonetically true, asWebster proposed.