
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:梅仁毅 主编  页数:448  


  学习语言必须与了解、学习文化相结合。母语的学习如此.外语学习更是如此。我们常说要用对方(指母语国家人群)听得懂的方式进行表达,也就是说在进行交流时.要用符合对方文化习惯的方式进行表达。这就要求外语学习者了解、学习对方的政治、历史、社会和文化。给学习英语的学生提供一些所学语言国家的基本材料与信息.使学生有一定的了解.这就是编写此书的目的。  此书编写遵循以下原则:  1.突出重点,不求面面俱到.但力求包含近期的变化与信息;  2.历史、政治、社会、文化是侧重点。自然地貌、风土人情.虽有触及.但非重点.也不需死记硬背;  3.在练习题的编写上.抓住重点.把握概貌.不要求学生记住所有的人名、地名、日期等细节;  4.帮助学生把内容与语言结合起来.通过语言掌握内容.通过对内容的分析、讨论、表达提高语言的运用能力。为此.在编写时,我们力求语言简单易懂。我们希望通过这样的写法传达一个信息:学生通过自己掌握的英语,足以表达很多内容.从而增强学习的信心和运用语言的主动性。


本书介绍美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、爱尔兰、新西兰等英语国家的社会文化背景知识。学生从通俗易懂、极富时代感的阅读材料中。可以了解各国的历史发展、政治制度、社会文化、自然地貌、风土人情,把语言学习和文化学习相结合。提高跨文化交际能力。本书具有以下主要特点:    全书知识覆盖面广,反映时代最新发展动态,脉络清晰,重点突出。    中文导读提纲挈领,脚注提供丰富的文化背景知识,有效降低学习难度。    精选大量生动活泼的图片,增强学生对异国文化和异域风情的感性认识。    形式多样的练习和研究任务,培养学生的信息搜索能力、创新思维能力和研究能力。


The United StatesChapter 1 Land and History  I. Geography  II. The Population and Immigration  III. HistoryChapter 2 Government and Politics  I. The Constitution and the Federal Government  II. History of Foreign RelationsChapter 3 National Economy  I. Brief History of American Economy  II. Government Involvement  III. The Agricultural, Manufacturing and Service Industries  IV. Wall Street and EntrepreneurshipChapter 4 Social Life and Culture  I. Religion  II. Festivals and Sports  IH. Media  IV. Popular Culture  V. LiteratureChapter 5 Education  I. An Overview  II. Developments and Problems  III. American Higher EducationThe United KingdomChapter 6 Land and History  I. Physical Features  II. HistoryChapter 7 Government and Politics  I. Political Institutions  II. Party Politics  III. Foreign PolicyChapter 8 National Economy  I. The First Industrial Nation of the World  II. Science and Modem Industries  III. Trade  IV. Financial ServicesChapter 9 Social Life  I. Everyday Life  II. Mobility  III. Pastimes  IV. Religion  V. Mass MediaChapter 10 Arts and Education  I. Arts  II. EducationCanadaChapter 11 A Nation from Sea to Sea  I. The Land  II. Brief HistoryChapter 12 Politics and National Economy  I. Politics  II. National EconomyChapter 13 Social Life and Culture  I. The Canadian Mosaic  II. Religious Life  III. Education  IV. Literature, Arts and Popular CultureAustraliaChapter 14 The Country Down Under  I. The Land Down Under  II. Geography  III. National Symbols of Australia  IV. Australian Political System  V. Australia and the WorldChapter 15 Nation-building from a Convict Settlement  I. Introduction  II. Events and People That Made a NationChapter 16 Celebrating a Multicultural Australia  I. Australian Multiculturalism  II. Indigenous Australians  III. Australian Culture  IV. Sports in Australia  V. Famous AustraliansIrelandChapter 17 Land, History and People  I. Key Questions  II. Prehistoric Ireland  III. The Celts (c. 600 BC)  IV. The Coming of Christianity (c. 432)  V. Invasions and Assimilations  VI. Revolt and Conquest (1536-1690)  VII. Protestant Ascendancy (1691-1801)Chapter 18 The Making of Modern Ireland  I. Revolt and Reform  II. The Great Hunger (1845-1849)  III. Seeking Independence  IV. Remaking Ireland  V. "A Nation Once Again"  VI. A Divided Island (1971-1998)  VII. The Emergence of Modern Ireland  VIII. Ireland Through Three Generations (1920 to today)  IX. Reinventing Ireland: Once Again  X. Ireland's New Role in the WorldNew ZealandChapter 19 Land and History  I. Natural Environment  II. History and PeopleChapter 20 The Government and the Nation  I. Becoming a Nation  II. System of Government  III. The Electoral System  IV. The State Sector and Crown Entities  V. The Legal System  VI. New Zealand in the WorldChapter 21 National Economy  I. The New Zealand Economy  II. Agriculture and Other Primary Production  III. Secondary Production  IV. Tertiary Production  V. External Trade and Trade Partners  VI. The Economy in the Early 21st CenturyChapter 22 New Zealand Society  I. Population  II. Families and Marriage  III. Sex and Gender  IV. Health Care  V. Education  VI. Religion  VII. Modem SocietyKey to ExercisesPhoto Credits


  The Confederate Army did well in the early part of the war, and some of its commanders,especially General Robert E. Lee, were brilliant tacticians. But the Union had superior manpower and resources to draw upon. In the summer of 1863 at Gettysburg2, the two armies fought the bloodiest battle on American soil. After three days of desperate fighting, the Confederates were defeated, and forced to retreat to Virginia. At the same time, on the Mississippi River,Union General Ulysses S. Grant3 took control of the entire Mississippi Valley, thus splitting the Confederacy into two. Two years later, after a long campaign known as the Wilderness Campaign, the Union forces crushed the Confederates.  The Civil War was a most tragic episode in American history. But it resolved two matters that had troubled Americans since 1776. It put an end to slavery, and it decided that the country wasn ot a collection of semi-independent states but an indivisible whole. Moreover, the war paved the road for the development of American capitalism.




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用户评论 (总计20条)


  •   本书对于英语国家社会与文化进行了深入详细的阐述,而且全部是英文,对于英语水平的提高也有相当大的帮助,每章都设有课后习题,对于知识的掌握起到巩固的作用。物超所值。
  •   这本书讲了英语国家社会文化,很细又是全英文的。非常不错,里面很多知识旅游时都用的上哦。希望我期末可以成绩好一些。
  •   书里面介绍的外国文化很全,而且图文并茂,一些专有名词附有中文讲解,方便了读者的阅读。想了解外国的经济政治文化的同学不妨一看,很长见识
  •   书不错的 ,主要想看爱尔兰的部分
  •   这本书真心喜欢。。。。。
  •   喜欢,全英文的,真好看
  •   还没看呢···不过觉得不错哦
  •   这个商品不错,很好,蛮厚的,全英文
  •   全英文看不进去
  •   挺好的,还没看,有时间去捉摸去
  •   书很好 当教材
  •   书很好 专业词汇很多 额 看起来有一点累TAT
  •   书真的值得一看,对于我的绘画有所帮助。。
  •   书还行,但是觉得对于考研来说,作用不大,平时看看不错
  •   这书还可以有点小贵了
  •   内容还没来得及看,包装不错!
  •   书皮有点脏,不像新书
  •   纸质很好,里面文章的单词也都很简单,读起来顺畅无阻碍。买给考研用的,大爱,打破了我对高校教科书的刻板印象。
  •   还好,怎么看好
  •   书很好。就是邮政的太让人反感了!!等了好几天都没打电话,推荐大家还是特快吧。

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