
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:郭群英 主编  页数:540  


本书分为两大部分:第一部分全面介绍英国文学自古英语时期至20世纪的发展历史;第二部分精选英国文学史上重要作家的经典作品,引导学生有重点地赏析名家名作。本书既可用作高等学校英语专业本科教材,又可作为英语专业自考生的学习参考用书,具有如下特点:    以简洁的语言系统梳理英国文学的发展脉络,并提供各历史阶段的社会背景介绍,方便学生掌握史实;    所选名著均附有详尽的注释,帮助学生充分理解作品,提高赏析水平;    练习设计形式多样,客观练习题与启发性思考题兼备,培养学生思辨能力;    内容编排合理,教师可灵活采用史、选结合或史、选分离两种方式授课。


PART ONE A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE Chapter One Anglo-Saxon Literature  Ⅰ.Introduction   1.Anglo-Saxon Conquest    2.Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon Literature  Ⅱ.Anglo-Saxon Poetry   1.Pagan Poetry   2.Religious Poetry  Ⅲ.Anglo-Saxon Prose   1.Venerable Bede   2.Alfred the Great   3.Aelfric  Exercise 1 Chapter Two Medieval English Literature  Ⅰ.Anglo-Norman Literatuure   1.Introduction   2.The Romance in the Anglo-Norman Period  Ⅱ.English Literature in the Age of Chaucer   1.Introduction   2.William Langland   3.Geoffrey Chaucer  Ⅲ.English Literature in the 15th Century   1.English and Scottish Ballads   2.Thomas MaloryExercise 2 Chapter Three English Literature in the Renaissance Period Chapter Four English Literature in the 17th Century Chapter Five English Literature in the 18th Century Chapter Six English Literature in the Romantic Age Chapter Seven English Literature in Victorian Age Chapter Eight English Literature in the 20the CenturyPART TWO SELECTED READINGS Chapter One English Poetry Chapter Two English Prose Chapter Three English Novel Chapter Four English Drama Appendix 1 Key to Exercises Appendix 2 Literary Terms Appendix 3 Bibliography




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