
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:朱德君,潘国栋 编  页数:197  


  《实用医学汉语》系列教材是由武汉大学牵头、由全国二十多所高校身处医学汉语教学第一线的教师合作编写完成的。这是一部很具特色的专业汉语教材。  《实用医学汉语》系列教材分为语言篇、基础篇和临床篇三个分篇。整个教材是一个组合的整体,而各分篇又可分别单独使用。  《实用医学汉语·语言篇》适用于汉语为零起点的医学留学生,也可供来华学习医学专业需要“汉补”的留学生、来华学习中医专业的外国留学生、短期研修的医学留学生,以及来华工作的医学专家使用。该教材遵循循序渐进和实用先行的原则,在着重培养留学生日常汉语交际能力,满足其在中国生活方面的语言需要的同时,注意对学生进行在医学交际领域汉语的话语能力的培养。  本教材的编写体例和所具有的特点,在该套教材的“前言”和语言篇的“编写说明”里都已有所说明,这里不再赘述。我想说的是,这套教材有几点很值得肯定:  第一,一般普遍交际场合使用的汉语与在专业交际领域所使用的汉语,从总体上说是基本一致的,但又有差异,这主要体现在用词用语上、句式使用上,以及文本框架选用上。怎么处理好这二者之间的关系,是专业汉语教材编写时所必须考虑的问题。本教材编写者考虑了,而且在教材中处理得比较好。这不仅体现在整套教材分为语言篇、基础篇和临床篇这一总体架构上,即使在语言篇中也作了很好的处理——第1册以常用生活交际场景为主,医学场景为辅;第2-4册则以医学场景为主,日常生活交际场景为辅。






  (In the emergency ward)  Family: Doctor, whats wrong with my father?  Doctor: He has an ischemic stroke, caused by cerebral thrombosis.  Family: Why did it happen?  Doctor: There may be some inducing factors. Does your father have a high blood pressure?  Family: Yes, so is his blood fat. He also has atherosclerosis.  Doctor: All of those are high-risk factors for cerebral thrombosis.  Family: Will he be paralysed for the rest of his life?  Doctor: It depends on the level of thrombolysis. We have prescribed fibrinolytics and anticoagulants for him, in the hope to dissolve the thrombus and restore the  blood supply to the brain tissue as soon as possible so as to reduce injuries.  Family: Will my father get well when the thrombus is dissolved?  Doctor: Of course not. He needs to take neuronprotectants to improve the metabolism of the brain tissue and promote the recovery of the neurons. He also needs  to take calcium channel blockers and vasodilators to improve the bloodcirculation in the brain.  Family: Will he have re-thrombosis in the future?  Doctor: It is very likely. Therefore he must control his blood pressure very well, and follow  the doctors instructions about how to take aspirin and antiplatelet agents.  Family: Thank you. We will keep that in mind.



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