出版时间:2010-6 出版社:外语教研 作者:(美)斯图尔特//(加)奥弗莱厄蒂 页数:79
UNIT 1 手机发射塔UNIT 2 濒危的猩猩UNIT 3 富兰克林•;德拉诺•;罗斯福UNIT 4 理发店招牌UNIT 5 路易•;布拉耶UNIT 6 最受欢迎的饮品——茶UNIT 7 沙漠民族UNIT 8 水虎鱼UNIT 9 地球为什么是圆的?UNIT 10 婚姻的演变UNIT 11 血液的作用UNIT 12 东方针炙UNIT 13 青少年与吸烟UNIT 14 了不起的安全别针UNIT 15 水源保护与水循环UNIT 16 FIFA的历史UNIT 17 3000岁的少年国王——图坦卡蒙UNIT 18 阿司匹林UNIT 19 水蚺UNIT 20 世界上的语言UNIT 21 托业阅读不可怕UNIT 22 练习答案UNIT 23 词汇表
machines. Almost everyonewatches TV, or listens to the radio,or uses a cellular phone. But notmany people really think abouthow these things work. Thesedevices depend on signals that aresent by really tall towers.2 These towers can reach almost300 meters into the sky! Andsomeone has to climb thesetowers! Workers usually have towork everyday for several weeksto build a tower. Thats becausetelevision or cellular phonecompanies need the towers quickly.But if the wind is strong, theworkers cannot work. They have towait until the next day to continue.3 Nowadays, some people dontlike these towers.