
出版时间:2010-7  出版社:外语教研  作者:赵雪爱  页数:142  




快速阅读技能指南Unit 1 Starting outPassage 1 Asian-American Students' Culture ShockPassage 2 College HousingPassage 3 Secrets of Straight-A StudentsPassage 4 Living with a RoommateUnit 2 Food, glorious food!Passage 1 Healthy Food Tips for FreshmenPassage 2 Five Super Foods for MenPassage 3 Thanksgiving, an American MealPassage 4 Fourteen Ways to Lose Weight After the HolidalUnit 3 Learning to thinkPassage 1 Can Colleges Teach Thinking?Passage 2 The Power of Your Thought ProcessesPassage 3 The How-Not:to Study GuidePassage 4 Study Skill -- Getting StartedUnit 4 Person to personPassage 1 The Good WordPassage.2 Verbal Communication TechniquesPassage 3 Body LanguagePassage 4 How to Communicate: Improve Your Relationships with Effective Communication SkillsUnit 5 All you need is lovePassage 1 What Does Love Require of Us?Passage 2 A Hand to Hold When I Grow OldPassage 3 Weddings WorldwidePassage 4 Changes in MarriageUnit 6 Shop till you dropPassage 1 The Behaviour of ShopaholicsPassage 2 How Digital Shopping Lists WorkPassage 3 Planning for Bargains All Through the YearPassage 4 Mums Follow Basic Lessons When Shopping for AutumnUnit 7 Family affairsPassage 1 Strengthening Friendships with Parents and In-lawsPassage 2 Families Need to Man UpPassage 3 HomeschoolingPassage 4 1 Will Never Be My MotherUnit 8 Arrivals and departuresPassage 1 Defining the Experience of TravelPassage 2 Overseas Adventure Travel GuidePassage 3 Your Travel Choice Makes a DifferencePassage 4 Things to Do in Arizona with KidsUnit 9 Body and mindPassage l An Inspiration for PessimistsPassage 2 Stress-Breaking TechniquesPassage 3 Give Your Brain a BoostPassage 4 Diet or ExerciseUnit 10 Environmental mattersPassage 1 Climate Change: No Eden, No ApocalypsePassage 2 Top Green Job Search TipsPassage 3 Analysis of Alarmism: Ocean AcidificationPassage 4 Biodiversity Loss Can Increase Infectious Diseases in HumalAnswer Key


  《新标准大学英语:快速阅读1》主题涵盖人与人、人与自然、人与社会的关系等各方面,选材注重文化内涵、思想深意与创作视角,内容贴近实际,语言鲜活生动,反映时代发展,展现语言魅力。 练习设计注重多种技能的综合培养,各类活动富有启发性与挑战性,既能够培养学生的英语综合应用能力,也能够提高学生的学习策略与创新思维能力。 通过选文与练习传授文化知识、培养文化意识、引导文化比较,提高学生对不同文化的理解以及在跨文化交际情境中使用恰当、得体、地道英语的能力。




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