
出版时间:2010-8  出版社:外语教学与研究出版社  作者:赵雪爱  页数:142  


  《新标准大学英语》是由外语教学与研究出版社与英国麦克米伦出版公司共同开发,中外英语教育专家合作设计与编写的一套新型立体化大学英语系列教程。本系列教程以《大学英语课程教学要求》为指导,与基础阶段英语教学有机衔接,结合新形势下的教学需要,通过科学的设计,严谨的编写与丰富的资源有效促进学生英语综合应用能力、自主学习策略与综合文化素养的培养。  《新标准大学英语》系列教程共设1—4级,每级分设《综合教程》、《视听说教程》、《快速阅读》、《综合训练》与《同步测试》,同时提供学习光盘、教学光盘、网络自主学习平台、试题库等教学资源,满足大学英语教学各环节的需要。


快速阅读技能指南Unit 1 College culturePassage 1 Meeting and Making Friends on CampusPassage 2 Best Jobs for College StudentsPassage 3 Fraternities and Sororities: the Secret History of Greek SocietiesPassage 4 College See Rise in Mental Health IssuesUnit 2 Mixed feelingsPassage 1 The Home-school ConnectionPassage 2 The Gap GenerationPassage 3 Helping Children with GriefPassage 4 Really Smile, It Is Good for Health and BusinessUnit 3 Crime watchPassage 1 Baseball and America's Crime ProblemPassage 2 How to Protect Your Online IdentityPassage 3 Campus Crime Figures Don't Tell the Whole StoryPassage 4 Has Online Piracy Reached a Tipping Point?Unit 4 News 24/7Passage 1 Influence of the Media on Young PeoplePassage 2 Social Media Is Changing Our Daily LivesPassage 3 Tips for Talking with Kids About the NewsPassage 4 Why Do People Still Read Newspapers?Unit 5 The world at warPassage 1 Why Nations Go to WarPassage 2 US and Europe Near Agreement on Private DataPassage 3 Behind the WarPassage 4 Honour BoundUnit 6 Sporting lifePassage 1 Modern Olympic Symbols and TraditionsPassage 2 The Incredible Benefits of Regular ExercisePassage 3 How to Be a Supportive Parent of a Sports KidPassage 4 High-tech SwimsuitsUnit 7 Animal planetPassage 1 Keeping Pets Safe in Hot WeatherPassage 2 The Benefits of Automatic Pet Feeders and WaterersPassage 3 The Amazing Psychic World of AnimalsPassage 4 Keeping Your Dog Occupied When You're Not HomeUnit 8 Time offPassage 1 Americans Work Less and Have More Leisure Time than Ever BeforePassage 2 Five New Hobbies for the Creative PersoriPassage 3 How to Fill Leisure Time IntelligentlyPassage 4 Leisure Activities in Ancient EgyptUnit 9 Have you got what it takes?Passage 1 What to Do After GraduationPassage 2 15 Ways to Annoy Your Job InterviewerPassage 3 Bringing the College InsidePassage 4 Graduating College Students Considering Peace CorpsUnit 10 Science fact or science fiction?Passage 1 Music from the StarsPassage 2 The Science of LaughterPassage 3 Sleep Success: How to Make ZZZs = MemoryPassage 4 Morning Person or Late Riser?Answer Key




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