出版时间:2010-7 出版社:外语教研 作者:(英)亚历山大//金斯伯里 页数:56
路易·亚历山大,世界著名的英语教学权威,曾任欧洲现代语言教学委员会理事。他的著作为交际教学法奠定了基础,其中一些如New Concept English(《新概念英语》)和Follow Me(《跟我学》)已经成为经典英语教材。
Unit 25Unit 26Unit 27Unit 28Unit 29Unit 30Unit 31Unit 32Unit 33Unit 34Unit 35Unit 36Unit 37Unit 38Unit 39Unit 40 Unit 41Unit 42Unit 43Unit 44Unit 45Unit 46Unit 47Unit 48Key to Exercises
A 2 No, but if she were a secretary, she could type letters.3 No, but if we were at the swimming pool, we could have a swim.4 No, but if it were human, it could tell us what it did.5 No, but if you were in my position, you could make a decision.6 No, but if I were in your position, I could understand how you felt.B 2 No, but if she ate well, she would get strong again.3 No, but if he practised enough / more, he would learn to drive.4 No, but if they read a lot / more, they would increase their vocabulary.5 No, but if he played well / better, he would get into the team.6 No, but if she listened to you, she would take your advice.C do your homework, your best, the shopping, some jobs, somebody a favour, business with someone, this exercise make: a lot of noise, conversation, a lot of money, a mistake, a speech, progress, the beds, a promise, trouble1 do 2 making 3 make 4 make 5 do 6 made7 make 8 did 9 made 10 do 11 doing 12 do13 make 14 do 15 making